Thursday, February 09, 2012

Too late: Dawn Boldt quits... fixing nothing. Marc Boldt still must resign.

In an effort, no doubt, to stem the tide, my sister-in-law, Dawn Boldt has, according to the democratian, left her job at Lifeline Connections.

UPDATE: Boldt's wife resigns from Lifeline Connections

Decision came after appearance of conflict of interest
Clark County Commissioner Marc Boldt said Thursday afternoon that his wife, Dawn, has resigned from Lifeline Connections.

Earlier Thursday, Boldt said the fact that his wife works for Lifeline Connections did not influence his vote to approve a loan to the private nonprofit.
Unfortunately, that changes nothing.  Marc Boldt has violated the state's conflict-of-interest RCW as described below, and this sacrifice on Dawn's part doesn't change that.

That Boldt was aware of the conflict is illustrated by his pledge to take no further votes:
Boldt said Wednesday he didn't feel comfortable authorizing that big of a loan (another $750,000) without going through a public process. He and Stuart agreed on the $190,000, just enough to get Lifeline through payday.
Had he not known of the conflict, there would have been no point in not going ahead with the vote.

Who knew the county had $940,000 laying around they could just hand out like samples?

Nonetheless, Dawn Boldt's resignation does nothing to unring the bell, any more then a bank robber returning the money wipes that slate clean.

Marc Boldt violated the conflict of interest laws in this state and, as a result, he still must resign.

Dawn Boldt quitting doesn't change that.

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