Tuesday, February 07, 2012

One wonders: is Jon Russell reduced to being channeled by his wife, Sarah?

Since he got his new gig and since I busted him again for using yet another fake identity on Facebook, Jon Russell has almost gone underground.

Because in addition to his other multiple psychosis's, He actually resurrected one of his propaganda mills so he could brag about his 15 seconds of fame on the democratian political blog... and also polish his shtick with the latest job he scammed: poisoning the mind of some of youth.

Not that the message is bad as much as it's the serpent delivering it.

The democratian's reaction to Russell's multiple lies... and the multiple times I've busted him... is actually rather curious. Russell kind of reminds me of a tarantula wasp, and the democratian is the spider.

The rag knows they're being walked on... around.... over.... but they seem helpless to do anything about it, even though they know the outcome isn't going to be pretty.

Chances are they fail to do their job because the main source of their information to nail this guy would come from, well, me. And they can't have that.

Anyway, having been busted in the mouth, again and having shown, once again, that Russell is more psychotic then Republican, what's a guy to do when he ABSOLUTELY HAS TO SAY SOMETHING... knowing that I'm out here lurking.

At this moment, Russell has taken down his entire facebook presence... or, perhaps, has been forbidden from having such a presence.

So, when he gets the Jones to shoot off his mouth and he knows I'm out here... just waiting for him to make up another fake identity that I can bust... what's he to do...

What to do..... what to do...

Use his own wife's Facebook page to babble about his message.

What makes me think this is Russell?

Well, head on over to her page and take a look at her comments.

First, you won't even see the comment above.

Think Jon made it without telling her? It's possible. After all, he faked dozens of identities that she didn't know about. What better way to shoot off your mouth then to use her identity and not let her or anyone else that follows her, know?

Second, there's no evidence there that she's ever commented on the democratian or any other newspaper before.

Weird, eh? Why now?

How many times has she commented on the democratian... about anything?


Third, there's Jon's history of lacking the guts to use his own name... and, well, he can hardly congratulate himself.... can he?

So, there you have it. More of Jon Russell likely being... well... Jon Russell.

Cross posted at Jon Russell Watch.

1 comment:

  1. Jon can post under any name he wants, but his word usage and manner of writing is like a copyrighted signature.


If I cannot identify you, then your post will be deleted.

No threats (Death or otherwise) allowed towards me or anyone else. If you have allegations of misconduct, they must be verifiable before I will publish them in comments.
