Tuesday, February 28, 2012

More military idiocy in Afghanistan: can't get a koran unless you're a muslim.

What kind of complete idiocy is this?


Christian Soldiers Banned from The Quran in the U.S. Army in Afghanistan

Posted By Blackfive • [February 28, 2012]
Received more than a few emails regarding new guidance in light of the accidental Quran burnings in Afghanistan.

Now, unless your military dog tags identify you as of the Muslim faith, you cannot obtain a copy of the Quran from the military chaplain. The exception is if your commander stops fighting the war long enough to write up a memo requesting one for you including the reason why you want a Quran. 

And, if you are a Muslim and obtain a Quran, it will be accounted for like any other sensitive item.

BS Guidance
Can you order one up from Barnes & Noble?  Sure.  You just can't get one from the chaplain.


Does the chaplain refuse to give the bible to soldiers with Muslim on their dog tags?

This is just sad...

1 comment:

  1. I assume ONLY Christians are allowed bibles?


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