Monday, February 27, 2012

Michelle Obama serves up another course... of Hypocrisy.

Longer term readers have come to know my disdain for the FLOTUS, who preaches to others concerning their food intake, but then proceeds to ignore her own sermon.

Chiefly responsible for the ubiquitous school food Gestapo (Better not have a bake sale at your local school during the day!) Michelle Obama's double-standard of "...don't do as I do, but do as I say" has become legendary.  Here's the most recent example:

Michelle Lets Governors Gorge on 2,000 Calorie Dinner
by Keith Koffler on February 27, 2012, 8:26 am
The White House Sunday epically failed to practice what its first lady preaches, serving the nation’s governors a more than 2,000 calorie dinner even as Michelle Obama traverses the country promoting health eating.
While Michelle lectures children to cut out the fat and eat their vegetables unadorned with caloric sauces, she served the governors – who are in Washington for their annual meeting – a feast that included adipose-marbled steak, vegetables slathered with dairy enhancements, and dessert.
The White House has proposed mandating meals for elementary school kids that include none of these items, or anything like them. Here, for example, is the Wednesday lunch from a proposal on the White House website.
Chef’s salad: (1 cup romaine, .5 oz low-fat mozzarella, 1.5 oz grilled chicken) with whole wheat bread
Soft pretzel (2.5 oz)
Corn, cooked (1/2 cup)
Baby carrots, raw (1/4 cup)
Skim chocolate milk (8 oz)
Low fat ranch dressing (1.5 oz)
Low fat italian dressing (1.5 oz)
Here’s what the governors got:
Garden salad
Bread and butter
Ribeye steak 12 oz
Creamed spinach
Crab mac and cheese
Pear tart with ice cream
White wine
Based on conservative estimates of caloric totals for each of the items that found their way to the governors’ plates, and assuming consumption of a single glass of wine from the bottles that were placed on the tables, the total intake amounted to about 2,250 calories.
The recommended intake for an adult male during AN ENTIRE DAY is about 2,500 calories. For women, it’s about 2,000 calories.
I hope the White House included a note on its invitation to the governors to fast until dinner.
This is not the first time our First Lady has shamed her "office."  Nor will it be her last (16 vacations in the last 3 years?  Really?) but whenever I find stuff like this, you'll see it here.

Leadership has a great many components.  Among the most important is the concept of setting the example.

Mrs. Obama obviously doesn't know any more about leadership than the president knows about the military.  And that's a dangerous situation for social engineers to be in... for us.

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