Monday, February 20, 2012

Impressions from the Romney event.

I wasn't a Romney fan this morning before this event and I'm still not a supporter.

This morning, Josh Romney met with a room that had maybe 100 people or so as a part of "caucus" class.

I was hoping for more class, and less Romney, so to speak.

Josh Romney is a fine young man.  It was, apparently, important that we know he's married and has five kids, because it was mentioned twice.

He tells us he's reluctant about all of this... because he'd be happier if he could have his dad back... and I get that... and so, as far as that goes, would I... be happier if he got his dad back.  Because one of the problems I've got with candidates for this job is, like the words of, I believe, Will Rogers who said something along the lines of "I wouldn't be a member of a club who'd have me," I have to question why anyone would want the job.

He's a fine politico; he's got the pater down because he's no doubt given the spiel a thousand times by now.

The talking points are clear and well communicated; the selective application of facts (paraphrasing: "My dad straightened our Massachusetts and he did it without raising any taxes," or words to that effect; but, oh yeah, by the way, fees for almost everything related to government skyrocketed on his watch... that wasn't mentioned.) was problematic for me, much like Romney condemning Santorum for voting to raise the debt ceiling and then endorsing Jaime Herrera who has only managed to vote to raise twice over the past 14 months.

I saw a great many people there I hadn't seen before; there appeared to be at least one planted question in the crowd that served up the "Romney could run on his record in Massachusetts now... how is he going to get conservatives on board?" meme... and, of course, the fact as expressed by Josh that, well, his dad is "... not a career politician," again, failing to point out that, essentially, the only thing that's kept him from BEING a "career politician is the fact that he's only won once, but ran unsuccessfully against Ted Kennedy for the US Senate and this is his second effort at president?

Josh solemnly informed us that his dad is PROUD of Romneycare.  Well, that seems to make him one of the few.

Coffee would have been a nice touch.

Was it effective?  I don't think so.  We didn't hear anything we hadn't heard already... and frankly, Josh isn't the guy who's running.  Ron Paul will not be losing any sleep over this.


  1. There has to be "something in the water" back on the East Coast. What they consider a "Conservative" back there is nothing but a flaming RINO out here. Romney may as well be a Democrat and I doubt anybody out here wants to see him in the oval office.

  2. Momons don't drink coffee, (so you can't either).

  3. Yeah.... I was thinking that... and it's the kind of thing that gives rise to concern on the right about that cult nonsense.

    Since there was nothing else there, save water, it also made me wonder about money.

    These people are, of course, looking for volunteers... and rule one for volunteers is to "take care of them."

    It's the little things.


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