Monday, February 20, 2012

The "factual inaccuracy" of Tim Leavitt.

There is a certain hysterical irony to any particular effort by Tim Leavitt to point out "factual inaccuracy" on the part of anyone.

Given Leavitt's campaign for mayor, it's difficult to view any "fact" or "figure" emanating from the mayor as factual, true or even remotely probable.

When the baseline for the occupation of your office is untruth, repeated over and over and over; and Leavitt personally had utilized that untruth to lull many opposing the bridge and light rail into believing he actually did not want tolls to pay for this bridge, then the problem many people have with Leavitt becomes simple:

When he speaks (or writes) how can we believe him?

It's simple: you can't.  Leavitt's employment with a CRC contractor is such an obvious conflict of interest, it ranks up there with that of Commissioner Marc Boldt' disregard of the laws governing us... or allegedly governing us.... that a blind monkey could see it in a minute.

In addition to his many other accomplishments that injure the people, Leavitt has been instrumental in keeping us from having a vote on this project, since he knows how the people of SW Washington generally and Clark County specifically would likely vote.

So, when Leavitt writes or speaks, it is with the singular goal of belittling, blunting and ignoring the opposition to achieve the goal... all while silencing the opposition to the maximum extent possible.

Unfortunately, given Leavitt's integrity deficit, I must conclude that he, personally, would be much better off having others... surrogates, if you will, attempt to convince the public that up is down, left is right and lie is truth.

For Leavitt to speak on "injustice to better informing our public" is, perhaps, the rankest hypocrisy of his entire tenure.  And the ongoing irony of Leavitt quoting men of integrity?

My bovine excrement meter needle not only pegged... it bent... and then it snapped.


  1. Remember, Stuart's wife also works for private "transportation interests."

    There needs to be a billboard with these conflicts posted on I-5 with a phone number to call. Maybe people care?

  2. Anonymous10:41 AM

    A billboard would be a great way to expose the CRC corruption.

  3. Don't forget, Leavitt couldn't get away with this crap if The Columbian wasn't constantly running "interference" for him with the public.

    The Columbian's "role" is to cut Clarke County's throat by controlling the information the public sees. The Columbian is Clarke County's greatest enemy.

  4. Wasn't Stuarts wife also the campaign organizer for one of the Yes on C-tran votes recently? (to Martin's comments.)

    To Anonymous: Do you have the $ to put it up? Doubt many do or so choose to use a less effective and cheaper media like the internet.

    To Jack: Yes, they do run interference for the mayors of Vancouver. They have been doing it for some time? And the effective way to control that is to do what the bloggers do and make them look like the dim bulb mcQueens they purport to continually to scream they are not...

  5. Anonymous2:38 AM

    Thank you for taking note of the heavy irony of Leavitt's pontificating upon the evils of "factual inaccuracy".

    FWIW, I've posted a riposte to Hizzoner in the comments sections of Leavitt's and my own LTTEs...


    John Burke


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