Friday, January 27, 2012

Take a moment and check this. There are no words.

I don't know who they are.

But I wish I did.


  1. I would like to think they are "Any Soldier."

  2. Sad to see two grown men have to die. I agree with Lew on this. It could be any soldier from any time frame in our history.

  3. Fighting a war is very serious business. We should drop to our knees and thank the almighty (or whoever one believes in) that we still produce people so willing to stand between us and our enemies.

  4. I agree. These men are true heroes and they sacrifice so much. Losing life and limb are clearly visible signs of their sacrifice. The emotional sacrifice is so much harder for people to see, but it is there. Those of us who stay at home and enjoy the fruits of their sacrifice should be humbled and grateful every day.


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