Saturday, January 28, 2012

More idiocy from the democratian: they face-shot Benton for protecting children in athletics.

Well, doing my daily cruise to ferret out more stupidity, bias and incompetence in the local democratian... and, of course, I wasn't disappointed.

Jeers: To politicians who tout how they are against government over-regulation of enterprise and then introduce special-interest regulations in the name of constituent service. A prime example is Senate Bill 6383, which would regulate penalties imposed by the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association. It’s the brainchild of Sen. Don Benton, R-Vancouver, one of the most ardent foes of government intrusion into everyday life. Benton says the bill is necessary because the WIAA wouldn’t allow the Kings Way Christian School’s girls volleyball team to participate in the playoffs last year after it played too many regular-season games. Regardless of whether the WIAA’s action was fair or unfair, politicizing the rules is no way to win the game.
Naturally, the moron writing this babble offers up precisely NOTHING as to what other option there may be... since there isn't one.  Obviously, an effort that needs editing, so I'll give it a shot: 

Jeers: As a bigoted, ignorant, fringe-left publication that babbles about a bill we know precisely dick about, we thought we'd take the opportunity to smack Benton again, since another election is coming up and we'd endorse a muslim terrorist over Benton. 
When dealing with an out of control administrative agency of any kind, frequently, legislative action is the only course available. Because we hate Benton so much we'd shoot him if we could get away with it, we're going to misrepresent a bill he's running that would protect athletes from an out-of-control, unaccountable group of ego maniacs who punish children for the actions of their adult coaches, teaching them that even though they do no wrong, they have to bear the responsibility for the actions of people they have NO control over.

Did we fail to mention that this bill has bi-partisan support with 35 co-sponsors?  Must have been an oversight.  But then, we've never been about all the facts... it's just an editorial policy to lie, deceive or exaggerate when the target pisses us off.
So, is Benton right for running the bill?

Or was our local carbuncle on the butt of Southwest Washington wrong for trying to, once again, hurt someone by misrepresenting the facts?

Did the slimeball who wrote this crap offer up any alternative?

Of course not.  Better to smack Benton then offer up constructive criticism.

All of this begs the question: were the kids these slimeballs screwed at King's Way the only ones?  Of course not.  They also kicked Archbishop Murphy out of the football playoffs back in 07, because one kid had an expired physical form and the new coach from Archbishop Murphy had SELF REPORTED the violation... a violation that happened primarily because the coach he replaced had DIED DURING THE REGULAR SEASON.
But the morons running the show at the local rag don't care that not only King's Way was screwed by these idiots, but other teams as well.  Not for anything the kids did... oh, no... not that.

But for what the adults on the team did or failed to do.

And where's the concern on the part of the rag for these children?

Nowhere.  Why concern themselves with something like that when they have the opportunity to take yet another face shot at Benton?  Can't let a little thing like kids getting screwed get in the way of THAT, can we?

For the slimeball who wrote this garbage, he'd throw the kids under the bus with the same ease they'd task you or me to spend OUR money on life-long tolls for a project THEY want.

Clearly, the WIAA needs to be reminded of who, exactly, they are there to serve, and what, precisely is their purpose.  And kicking kids out of tournaments they've worked their entire athletic lives to achieve is NEVER the answer.  Failing any alternative, and the moron editorial writer didn't even attempt to provide one, Benton's bill is not only AN answer, failing any other alternative, it's the ONLY answer.

And 35 other Senators see it Benton's way.


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