Monday, January 09, 2012

Syndicated columnist Leonard Pitts: every effort to instill accountability in to our voting system is racist.

More properly titled: The ongoing effort to make sure the democrats get the illegal and illegal alien vote, the very idea of holding ALL people to the SAME standard is beyond the comprehension of the inculcated, "I'm a victim" class of minorities in this country.

Hold them accountable like non-minorities (meaning white men, because every other class IS a "minority") and these clowns whip out the ...racist card EVERY FRICKING TIME.

The result? You get people like Pitts, who's one moment of glory was his column the day after 9/11, lying through their collective teeth, claiming that those who have no license, no bank accounts, no welfare checks are being "disenfranchised" by laws like South Carolina's ID law.  You get monumental whining, bitching, sniveling and the like.

What you don't get are solutions to the problem because people like Pitts don't believe their IS a problem.

Pitt's leads with:

The ongoing effort to disenfranchise poor, black voters

So here's how it is:

You have no driver's license because you have nothing to drive. You have no passport because you've never been out of the country. You have no other photo ID because you have no bank account. You work and get paid under the table, a wad of cash sliding from hand to hand.

It is a life lived in the margins. And if South Carolina and a number of other GOP-controlled states have their way, it will be a life to which a significant new impediment will be added: You will not be able to vote.

Well, never mind that the paragraph above describes ILLEGAL ALIENS to a "t." Pitt's pathetic claim is that it is being done entirely to "disenfranchise" "poor, black voters."


And how many blacks who have no license, no state or federal ID, no real job (Yeah, there's a HUGE underground economy, and every single person in it is.... BLACK) and who ONLY get paid "under the table" VOTE?  Even if Pitt's rant WAS true... these rules don't stop anyone from voting.  What they do is make you get ID, period.

And Pitts would risk the security and integrity of our entire voting system, because those who care so much about this franchise won't bother to get the ID necessary to participate in it?

What sickening pap.

Ladies and gentlemen, I offer Exhibit A of what our entitlement/victimhood culture has wrought.

Congratulations. Aren't you proud?

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