Monday, January 09, 2012

The rank hypocrisy of the Taliban Vancouver City Council: throw a fit if Stewart doesn't vote the way the council wants, but do everything they can to keep us from voting so they can ignore what the people want.

Odd, isn't it?  The Bridgers/looters both throw a fit if a Jeannie Stewart doesn't act as their sock puppet while doing everything they can to silence the voters on this very issue.  Ahhh, that leftist, situational ethics.

Tim "The Liar" Leave-it continues to ooze his peculiar brand of scummy hypocrisy by condemning Stewart for not doing his bidding on the CTran Board.  Others have pointed out that if there was a need for a trained monkey to represent the city council, then they should have asked for a trained monkey instead of a human.  In short, sending anyone over there is idiocy if all they need is an automaton.

Stewart's "failing" is that she is concerned about representing the people.  The Liar and his fellow shills could care less what the people want when what we want interferes with their arrogant view that reminds me so much of a Mussolini-type fascism that would not have been out of place in a pre-US invasion Kabul mayorship.

For a blow-by-blow of the fact that Leave-it is such a scummy worm, check out the email traffic here:

Clearly, The Swami is scummy.

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