Sunday, January 22, 2012

Odd, isn't it? Those who've never won an election telling those of us who have that Gingrich is "unelectable."

I've been reading the babble of many, and let me tell you what the "Gingrich is unelectable" scam really means:

It means they support someone else.

One fringe-left whack job called Gingrich a "serial adulterer."  Well, based on leftist support of the, "I'll bed anything in sight" president, Bill Clinton, that seems more a qualification for the job then a DISqualification for the job.

For those chanting the "unelectable" meme, I need an explanation as to how it is that Gingrich won every segment voting in South Carolina.

Independents?  Gingrich.

Married women?  Gingrich

Evangelicals?  Gingrich.

Men?  Gingrich.

Women?  Gingrich.

Late deciders?  Gingrich.

Politics is a numbers business.  That Gingrich won isn't necessarily the thing: it's that he not only won, but he seems to have won in every category that they keep track of.

So, tell me again: how is it that he's "unelectable?"  Or are these numbers a mirage?

So, be careful of the "unelectable" label.  Because if anyone is "unelectable" right now, it's increasingly Mitt Romney... because being the timid financier is rarely the path to the presidency.


  1. Republicans (or Democrats for that matter) don't choose who win elections, "undecideds" do.

    Gingrich, as much as I admire his intellect, is scarily self-centered. It's all about him. He's so damn sure of himself, it makes his wisdom suspect. The big tell is that he shits on those around him. (Bill Clinton's dick aside, he seems an introspective and compassionate guy.)

  2. And yet, of all of those voting, I understand that Independents went to Gingrich... by a large percentage. His electability rating in SC? Far in the lead.

    Look, I'm not endorsing the guy... yet. He's got warts.

    Politically, that couch scene with the Belle of Botox on global waring was insane, for example.

    Campaigns do a variety of things. One thing they do is show an ability (or lack of ability) to react to a changing political circumstance... a "must have" in, for example, foreign policy.

    Romney's "fumblin', bumblin' stumblin'" handling a double digit lead just 2 weeks ago shows me that he is "scarily indecisive."

    We can't have "indecisive." It's what we've got now.

    Where Gingrich is sure of himself, Romney seems quite the oppositie. And the sharks in the water can smell indecision, which is not far from cowardice.

    Politics is rife with targets of opportunity. The windows are small and fast moving. Romney seems incapable of reading the defense and hitting the open receiver.

    And the term for quarterbacks who fail that part of the job?



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