Sunday, January 22, 2012

ANOTHER Facebook casualty: Jon Russell takes down his fake Jessica Bowen page.

Busting Jon Russell for his pathological fake identity fetish isn't a full time gig.  It doesn't have to be, given that it's so easy.

But the fact is this: I outed Russell when he was using the fake "teacher Judy Banks" identity, and I outed him for using the Jessica Bowen identity.

And now when you look for the fake Jessica Bowen, what do you get?

Whatever happened to our fair Jessica?

Russell deleted her.

He is, or will be, using other fake identities.  And sooner or later, I'm going to get them all.

By now, the democratian knows about this "fake" issue.  Why aren't they reporting on it?  Identity theft is serious business, isn't it?  Particularly when it's an elected official engaging in that peculiar past time?

Cross posted on Jon Russell Watch.

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