Friday, January 20, 2012

Contrary to the local spin of some, Reagan Dunn continues to defend his pro-gay marriage conversion.

Reagan Dunn wants to be our AG, after McKenna likely becomes our governor.  Sigh.

I have already made my position on the issue clear; election year conversions are a cynical political ploy, in this case, designed to get the massive earned media he otherwise would not be getting had he remained silent on the issue or had he been smart enough to at least loudly and publicly demand that this be put to a vote.

My position on the issue as related on facebook:

I, for one, will never sell out principle to win. And I DO win. Dunn, for one, clearly will. To each his or her own. "Attainability" should never be the basis for the assassination of a bedrock principle.
Sorry, Brent, but while that may be your definition, it isn't mine. And right now, while it seems democrats want us to sprint off the cliff, Republicans, all in the name of "attainability" and "electability" want us to go off the same cliff... just at a more sedate pace. And Ronald Reagan, author of the illegal alien amnesty that was supposed to fix that peculiar problem was neither God, not perfect. My guess is that Reagan would not support anyone, regardless of party, who supports gay marriage. And this kind of "perfection" rhetorical nonsense is camouflage for yet another weakening of conservative and moral principles, all in the name of winning elections so we can, once again, turn our backs on principle. Others may take that course, but I will not work for, nor support, candidates who would sell their own mothers to get elected... and Dunn seems to fit into that all-too-typical King County Republican meme, where if the KingCo GOP's world view was so great, then that region wouldn't be such a deep, dark blue location. And Brent, your efforts to spin for Dunn on my blog and here go to the heart of the matter. If his position on this needed clarification, HE should be providing it... not you. And that you're excusing him on this goes to the heart of the matter. Good luck. You're gonna need it.
I believe ANY model that ignores principle in the name of success is unacceptable. But then, that's just me.
Dunn's supporters are busily trying to spin his pro-gay marriage stance.  My position on all of that is that it's HIS stance; if he needs to clarify it, then HE needs to clarify it, and, though given yet ANOTHER opportunity to do so, he has has refused.

The Seattle Rag, of course, is wearing out another pair of knee pads in front of him as a result... but then Dunn isn't stupid, and he anticipated this response.

So, no... Dunn isn't stupid... but ethically challenged?

No Question.

And others are seeing it my way as the backlash against yet another King County RINO political opportunist mounts.
The Seattle Times

Originally published January 20, 2012 at 8:10 AM
Page modified January 20, 2012 at 8:12 AM

Dunn riles GOP circles by backing gay marriage
Republican Attorney General candidate Reagan Dunn's support of gay marriage has created a backlash from some GOP leaders.

By Jim Brunner
Seattle Times political reporter

Republican attorney-general candidate Reagan Dunn is facing a backlash from some GOP leaders and activists over his decision to come out in support of gay marriage.

In the last week, Dunn has been disinvited to big Republican dinners in Whatcom and Franklin counties, and faces a new conservative rival in the attorney-general's race.

"That's the name of the game. There has been some blow back," said Dunn, a Metropolitan King County Council member.

Dunn roiled GOP circles last week when he voted for a county measure supportive of the gay-marriage legalization efforts now before the Legislature — a position at odds with the official GOP platform.

The Whatcom and Franklin County GOP organizations responded by rescinding Dunn's invitation to speak at their Lincoln Day fundraising dinners next month.

"We just thought it probably would be best if he did not come," said Luanne Van Werven, chairwoman of the Whatcom County Republican Party. She said the dinner was meant to emphasize party unity and that Dunn would be a distraction.

Curtis Mohr, chairman of the Franklin County Republicans, said the GOP platform is clear in defining marriage as between a man and a woman. "We wish to send a strong message to those that oppose our political philosophy," he said.

Although plenty of opportunity has been provided, Dunn remains silent on the positions fronted by his apologists, saying nothing to indicate that his spinners accurately reflect his position... going even further to cement this as just another throw principle under the bus ploy to get elected.

And that, frankly, is despicable.

1 comment:

  1. Dunn or any other so called Republican supporting homosexual marriage will not receive my vote or favorable mention on my blogs.

    If the Republican Party is to Democrat light, who in the hell needs them?

    These times require boldness and strength, not cowering and caving to the very ones destroying the country.


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