Friday, January 13, 2012

Congressman and Warrior Allen West on the "Taliban Whizzers" (The Marines who pissed on the insurgents.)

All this crap about those Marines.  A true warrior and Congressman, unlike our own cardboard cutout of a chair-warmer says this:
The Blog

Allen West on the Marines Incident: 'Shut Your Mouth, War Is Hell'

1:37 PM, Jan 13, 2012 • By DANIEL HALPER
Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.), a former Army lieutenant colonel, sends THE WEEKLY STANDARD an email commenting on the Marines' video, and has given us permission to publish it.
“I have sat back and assessed the incident with the video of our Marines urinating on Taliban corpses. I do not recall any self-righteous indignation when our Delta snipers Shugart and Gordon had their bodies dragged through Mogadishu. Neither do I recall media outrage and condemnation of our Blackwater security contractors being killed, their bodies burned, and hung from a bridge in Fallujah.
“All these over-emotional pundits and armchair quarterbacks need to chill. Does anyone remember the two Soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division who were beheaded and gutted in Iraq?
“The Marines were wrong. Give them a maximum punishment under field grade level Article 15 (non-judicial punishment), place a General Officer level letter of reprimand in their personnel file, and have them in full dress uniform stand before their Battalion, each personally apologize to God, Country, and Corps videotaped and conclude by singing the full US Marine Corps Hymn without a teleprompter.
“As for everyone else, unless you have been shot at by the Taliban, shut your mouth, war is hell.”
God, if only we had West as president instead of that simple idiot we've got now.


  1. I don't take self-righteous indignation from my own party, and I'm certainly not taking any from Mr. West. I'm sure he has opinions on science he'd like to express, and I could always say, "unless you have a doctorate - shut the hell up" too. Same with law. Or economics...

    But back to the issue at hand. The monster in the closet is what do you say to the mothers of dead U.S. marines whose bodies have been sexually mutilated due to tit-for-tat?

    This is a publicity nightmare.

  2. I'd say the same thing to them.

    That you, for example, believe the torture and mistreatment of Marine prisoners is in any way a "tit-for-tat" is the heart of the matter. Martin, it appears you have no clue.

    War IS hell. His position isn't based on the politically correct, "playing directly into the hands of our enemies" concepts that Obama is engaged in right now.

    These people LAUGH AT US over our care and concern for our prisoners. They see our humanity as a sign of weakness. They've known all along that we'd get tired of the fight and just quit. An now, they're beginning to target dependents at military bases.

    Like they give a rat's ass if we piss on their dead. because that's the very LEAST they've done and continue to do to us.

    West's position is based on having been in war. And while you attempt to build a straw man through an argument that is, well, non sequitur IMHO (The issue isn't his opinion, per se'... I believe the issue is his observations are based on his expertise in the field under discussion... and the credibility I apply to those positons.)

    To that end, the issue for me is do I lend more weight to an opinion from a warrior and a commander of warriors about the ugliness and reality of combat or do I lend more weight to his options about science, where he has no particular background?

    Unlike almost everyone else in the Administration, he cared enough about his country to serve it and defend it and to put his own personal ass on the line in that pursuit.

    He understands that when one side, ours, demands that we, but not the others side, stick to some sort of bizarre "Marquis of Queensbury" rules in this war, we are bound to get our asses kicked.

    All Clinton can do is lie about her experiences in that field, wring her hands and bitch.

    I'm with the Colonel. If he were to opine about scientific issues, my support of his position would likely be less due to his inexperience in the area in question.

    But on this?

    No contest.

  3. I 100% agree with Congressman Allen. What separates these Marines, and our U.S. Military from the evil that we fight as a nation is we can all recognize these horrible actions, and punish our own for their lack of judgment? These Marines should be punished for their violations of the Geneva Convention, if found guilty. However, I would recommend that any news pundit that feels it necessary to chastise our Marines, and blow this story out of proportion should head on over, and take the place of these Marines. I am pretty confident that they would not urinate on any Taliban at all, because all of their urine would probably saturate their own pants


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