Saturday, January 14, 2012

ANOTHER reason to vote against McKenna? "Why are you still a PCO?"

So, I went to the GOP Central Committee Meeting today... The usual gathering of party stalwarts, many of years-long association.

That, of course, is neither here nor there.

One woman came up to me and asked, seriously, "Why are you still a PCO? You write such horrible things about Rob McKenna... you can't do that and still be a PCO!"

Well, since she's apparently a regular reader of this blog, I'm going to a provide a more lengthy answer then the "yes, I actually can. Being a PCO doesn't require either that I remain silent when I disagree or that I suspend my disbelief because a candidate has a particular letter after their name."

"I've known Rob for 30 years," she went on, "and he's a wonderful man! You can't be a PCO and say bad things about Republicans!"

Of course I can.  Holding politicians accountable is part and parcel of what I do.  And when Republicans do stupid, or illegal, or liberal things, I damned well WILL come after them.  While that "turn the other cheek" stuff might apply to many, it has no application in the political world when lives will be impacted at the ballot box.

In the past, I've shown when many are lying to the public.  Jon Russell, Jaime Herrera, Tim "The Liar" Leave-it, Brian Baird... I'm equal opportunity and not at all put off when it comes to demanding the truth. 

Can't handle it?

Then feel free to ignore my meager efforts.

As for McKenna, well, I don't care if he's a saint.

First of all, he's NOT "the" GOP candidate. There is at least one other announced GOP candidate.

Second, I prepaid my First Amendment rights by serving this country in uniform for 14 years and change. As an elected PCO, I don't owe anything to anyone except those in my precinct.

"I'm going to fight you on this!"

Feel free. But also feel free to answer this questions... the questions you ignored when I asked them of you, twice:

Have I written anything inaccurate? Did I write anything untrue?

To those who see McKenna as all that, such is your privilege. I don't. I have stated my reasons clearly and succinctly. If I am wrong because my facts are wrong, that is certainly one thing.

If I am wrong because I'm not a Republican member of the herd or because you happen to support a candidate I don't support, well, that is too bad.

In all likelihood, McKenna will win the primary and become governor. That doesn't matter a wit to me, and when I say that he'll do it without my support, that is equally true.

But that anyone out there is moronic enough to believe that because they disagree with my positions they somehow have the right to control what I write, when I write, or how I write... well, they've got a screw lose.

Right, Lou?


  1. As I wrote in my letter to the WSRP, it's obvious that once again, the party has decided who we get to vote for by the promoting and endorsing one candidate over another.

    Kirby proclaimed on facebook that the party has not issued an "official endorsement," which is nothing more than a play on semantics.

    He will not answer why he was quoted in a Dec. 17, 2011 Seattle Times article claiming he and others had contacted the RNC saying McKenna was the only credible Republican candidate, freeing them to begin funding McKenna's campaign.

    And then, I receive an email requesting a donation that states, "We also have an unprecedented chance to win the Governor's Mansion with Rob McKenna."

    It may not be "official," but if that isn't endorsing a candidate I don't what is.

    This is the same crap we saw in 2010 as David Castillo was stabbed in the back in order to ensure the cherry picked favorite selected.

    That's also where I turned my back on the Republican Party and now support only candidates of my choosing, not party choices.

    If McKenna is that great of a candidate, why won't he stand up next to Shahram Hadian and prove he is the better candidate?

    Instead, Hadian is ignored and marginalized as is his strong conservative values.

    1. Lew
      Where are Mr. Hadian's supporters? I look at the PDCs and he has raised $0 from Clark County. He hasn't raised any significant money for a legislative race much less the governors race. Unfortunately in a statewide race money talks. It would appear people are talking with their wallets. He has been here twice and raised zero. So it appears his supporters marginalize him and speak loudly with their closed wallets. I have gone to hear him speak every time he has been here. I have treated him as any other opponent. I would hope the party would do the same and some of his supporters would at least give the guy gas money for coming down here.


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