Saturday, December 17, 2011

Knowing most Republicans.

This video explains the GOP.  It uses "glittering generalities" but it seems historically correct.

Not ALL Republicans live up to these tenets.  Many in the local party are all about the social aspects.... what conference can we go to, what job can we scam from the plumb book.... what convention... you know, that kind of crap.

Electing candidates is secondary to the party circuit aspects.

And, unfortunately, not all Republican candidates and electeds have the variety of integrity and character this video infers; our own Ridgefield Barbie lacks 99/100ths of the courage and integrity she should have to be in Congress.... and Jon Russell is a lying lowlife, a stain on government anywhere, even at the small town level.

But as ideals, this vid is hard to beat... it should be what our candidates use to educate those being kept on the plantation... and it should be the goal set that all who claim allegiance to Republicanism aspire to.

Take 8 minutes and give it a look.


  1. That's a nice piece. You would really have to understand political science to look behind the curtain - specifically, that parties are an expedience of their time, with only cursory historical continuity.

    The real tell is which ideology dominates each party. Currently, Rs have most Conservatives, and Ds have most Liberals. But if the Ds gets too Marxist, that will drive the Liberals out, and if the Rs align too much with the aristocracy, that will drive the Conservatives out.

    America has no place for a 3rd party, so this thing seems to be headed toward revolution?

  2. It wouldn't surprise me. And thast's a very sad state of affairs.

    Economic and/or social chaos... it could get real ugly, real fast.


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