Saturday, December 17, 2011

Democrat political idiocy and the Keystone pipeline.

So, unlike our bridge scam with the fake 20,000 job claims local dems have been lying about for so long, the Keystone pipeline from Canada is reported to have a genuine 20,000 job level during the construction phase.

The GOP wants it.  The unions want it.  The states the pipeline goes through want it.  A few "get us back into the stone age" fringe-left whack jobs oppose it, and that Empty Suited, Anti-American racist bigot in the White House has to use knee pads to the enviros... as if they'll all vote for the GOP if he doesn't.

Dems have been babbling about how the GOP doesn't give a damn about jobs.  Of course, big government reliance and income redistribution are what the dems are all mabout... but jobs?

Only if they're more government jobs.

We've seen the arrogance of democrats on jobs here locally, with the indefensible idiocy of giving a $167,000 a year city manager a pay raise of 3.5% in the midst of this local economy while simultaneously laying off other city employees.

Did I mention "idiocy?"

No pay raises for government employees... in fact, pay cuts are the order of the day.  What are they going to do.... quit?

The deal here, of course, is that the pipeline is a private venture that will result in few... if any... government jobs... and no tax, fee or tolls fort a public that doesn't want it, need it or can afford it.

Build the damned pipeline.  Do it now.  Put people back to work in the private sector.  And stop putting your bizarre, delusional brand of politics ahead of the needs of the people of this country.

1 comment:

  1. Anthony3:06 AM

    You are right. Everyone knows that the project is advantageous not only for the US but for Canada as well and if we want to give our economy a real boost after the crisis the construction of the pipeline will be one of the crucial steps we have to take considering that the energy sector in Canada contributes a great deal to the country’s trade surplus every year.


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