Monday, November 28, 2011

Well, tomorrow's the day: Will Boldt screw us?

There are many ways the ballpark scam can be killed.  The first way will be for my brother-in-law, democrat County Commissioner Marc Boldt, to drive a stake through it's heart, much like he SHOULD have several months ago.

The second way will be to have the city councils getting raped to tell the commissioners and the Yakima Millionaires to get stuffed.

For Boldt, a lot's riding on this vote.  If he votes to screw us with a ticket tax, it will be because he's been bought off by his democrat buddies.  It will also mean that I will be coming after him with everything I have, including, possibly, running against him myself.

With this vote, if Boldt votes the wrong way, the first step will be my activation of Marc Boldt Watch, where I will begin the process of filling in the blanks, so people can both get to know the real Marc AND a review of his democrat voting record... where every last shred of the conservative, principled Marc Boldt that would walk through fire for conservative causes has... simply... disappeared.

A record of tax and fee increases, a failure to reduce payroll levels, "commissioner" holidays where, for whatever the reason, he feels compelled to provide county employees with extra paid days off at our expense.

And now, a pivotal issue: will Marc throw the entirety of this county under the bus, like he did with the CTrans scam?

There will be a price to pay if he does.

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