Monday, November 28, 2011

Protesters and state patrol mix it up at the Capital Building, at least one arrest.

Received report that between 6pm and 6:20 at the south entrance of the capital building pm, protesters were harassing, blocking and attempting to get reaction from WSP guard personnel at the capital building this evening.  No media were present; the witness indicates that the state patrol showed "remarkable restraint" in failing to react to protesters who were attempting to block entrance to the building.

Protesters were chanted, hurling invective and profanity, trying to foment a reaction on the part of the WSP.  At least one general administration employee was injured by protesters attempting to force entrance into the building after it was closed.... they partially were pushing in... and suddenly, they were pushed back out.

The scene was reminiscent of the ugliness of the Wisconsin capital riots.  My source tells me that he believes it was "orchestrated.... your typical Evergreen University crowd."

My source has over two decades of exposure to the legislative scene in Olympia: "it was the ugliest scene in all the years I've been up here."

There was no choice about the arrest, as assaults were taking place.  The source reiterated his admiration for the professionalism exhibited by troopers on the scene.

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