Sunday, November 06, 2011

Sources: Jon Russell's grubby little paws are all over the "Steve Bang" race in Camas.

As we all know, Jon Russell would sell his own mother into white slavery to get a pay check... or to get elected.

Well, the "Bang Race" is no different.

Russell is behind a group that he's designed to use as a fund raising base for his next self-inflicted massacre, his run for an open 18th District seat in the next House elections. He has no chance, of course... pathological liars rarely do.

The name of the group is available on any of the signs that have mysteriously popped up: The Clark County Business Association or some such.

The problem?

Russell is all over this.

The connection?

Multiple sources have contacted me and told me Russell is setting this group up. Added to that, he uses a real moron named Steve Jones as the treasurer for the group.

Jones is chillin' in his single wide in a trailer park in Washougal. Like Russell, he's fond of using fake names to attack... and he's been Russell's political butt-boy inn the past. Oddly, he's using his employer's phone number as his contact number. I guess he can't afford a phone.

Now, this group CLAIMS they won't be receiving... or spending.... more then 5K. Well, considering that Russell will be doing his typically worthless consulting job, that he isn't being legally paid for any of this isn't surprising.

Russell, who's made up a poorly disguised PAC, has ILLEGALLY made himself involved with the Bang effort to use a write-in candidacy.

I say "illegally" because his involvement is no where to be seen... but he's out there.

And Russell ain't doing this for free.

I freely admit that I don't know Bang from Adam. But Jon Russell's involvement, the obvious coordination between Bang, Russell, and this "PAC", the illegal Bang web suite (You do have to list who paid for it) and the PDC scam ALL have Russell's modus operandi all over them... and if Bang is supported by Russell, that's all I need to know.

Vote for whoever else is running.


  1. I watched Steve Bang's video on He sounded very mature, respectible Kelly. Though he's not in a Vancouver race, I'd give him a shot unless he is personally proven to be unreliable.

    If jon is running an illegal campaign from his home, why not pass a really nice note to the PDC? :) ( minus the steve bang reference. But nail jon!?!?!)

  2. The problem is that it's much better to lose on your own than to have Russell set the hook in you... because once he's got you... you're got.

    This is nothing more nor less then an effort by Russell to first, make money, and second, extend his tenticles... the old Chicago way.

    Sorry. But Bang's dependence on Russell... who is doing everything for him... including setting up his illegal web site.... makes him unsuitable for elective office.

  3. Anonymous1:56 PM


    I have had interactions with Mr. Bang. His resume is nice, and he sounds mature and respectable, as you say, but when asked to address issues specifically facing Camas, he has no answers. When called on this, he threw a Jon Russell-esque, "why don't you like me" tantrum. Not very mature and respectable, if you ask me.

    Greg Owens


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