Saturday, November 05, 2011

Brancaccio can't seem to get it.

Leave it to Lame Lou: he of the "Gee, I can't be a fringe-left whack job even though I am" meme to try and spin the typically horrific, amateurish "journalism" his rag did in crucifying Josephine Wentzel... even though they were wrong.

He seems mystified that "politicians" don;'t jump through whatever hoop he happens to hold up.

Nonsense like this crap:
Let’s move on to the real exercise today. Politicians. Anyone ever hear of politicians who are not willing to talk? Noodles?
“What? Are you kidding me? These guys can’t shut up.”
Easy, Noodles. Think about it a little more. Is that the case all the time? Hannah?
“Wait a second, I guess you do see a few politicians who don’t talk to the press. However crazy that might sound.”
That’s correct. And why do they say they won’t talk to the press? Fernando?
“Well, I do remember a few politicians saying they didn’t like what was being written about them. That they felt the stories and editorials were hit pieces or something.”
Good point, Fernando. But what do you really think is going on? Cooper?
“When I hear that line, when they don’t address the specifics of the story, I think — most readers think — they got caught with their hand in the cookie jar, have no defense and just keep quiet.”
I like the use of the phrase “no defense” there, Cooper. It bring us back to the earlier point about folks who keep quiet at trials.
So let’s say someone is running for office. Do you think it would be a good strategy to keep quiet, even if they don’t like what is being written? Jake?
Well, I thought I'd explain it, since he seems so retarded he can't, or won't, understand the likely reason Wentzel blew the birdcage liner off.

First, it's Brancaccio himself.  The guys pathological.  A psycho.  A man who, if you're wise enough to disagree with him, will do all he can to poison your image in the eyes of the public.  Lies by commission or omission, exaggerations, facts left out... no problem... he'll do it all.  The list of bodies he's tried to run over... finally running into a wall of revulsion that made him look like the scumbag he is, forcing him into silence.... is both long and distinguished.

It doesn't matter what you tell the rag.  It doesn't matter what you tell a slimeball like Brancaccio.  If they hate you, they want everyone else to hate you as well.  So, they do their best to make that happen.

If they like you, they'll do all they can to cover for you.  Just ask Jim Jacks, whose alcohol fueled misconduct with female staffers in the Legislature is the stuff of legend... unless you're the Columbian... in which case, unless someone provides them with a video tape, they won't even go asking.

Of course Wentzel blew you off, Lou.  No one in their right mind would talk to a scumbag like you with a record like yours.  You kiddin' me?

And I say all this because it's true... not because I'm a huge Wentzel fan... because I'm not.  But you clowns have done all you can to shaft her... except, of course, this time, you got caught.

So, you people wound up looking like what you are: leftist, biased, blithering idiots.... and instead of manning up, apologizing, saying you made a mistake, you engage in juvenile bullshit like this column.

Truly, that rag you work for CANNOT go bankrupt soon enough.

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