Friday, November 18, 2011

So, Stuart, Boldt and the rest of the lackies for the Yakima Millionaires want to screw everybody.

EVERYTHING gets taxed.

Here's the assumptions:


1. Team constructs $19.5 million, multi-use stadium. County levies admissions tax for special fund to support it.

2. Stadium is functional in 2013; no admissions tax revenues generated by stadium in 2012.

3. Revenue estimates include admissions tax at stadium, movie theater complexes, fair, fair concerts, amphitheater and golf courses.

4. Reserve fund sets aside $100,000 annually from admissions tax revenues.

5. Annual revenue growth is assumed to be 2.5%, the average between a flat revenues model and a  growth model with an aggregate 4% annual rate. In the growth model, movie revenues grow based on increases in population and ticket pricing; all other revenues grow at 3% annually.

6. ■ For 25 years, $800,000 in admissions tax revenues will be dedicated annually to the stadium.

If collections fall short, Clark County would dedicate only the admissions tax collected that year and use dedicated reserve revenues to make up the shortfall, up to $800,000. If all admissions taxes and accumulated reserves are used in a given year and the annual amount dedicated to the stadium still falls short, in the first subsequent year collections exceed $800,000, the amount over and above $800,000 would make up for the shortfall in the previous year(s).

■ After $800,000 has been dedicated to the stadium each year, any additional revenue would be distributed to jurisdictions, ensuring the fairgrounds receives at least as much revenue as was collected from the Clark County Fair.

7. Admissions tax ends after 25 years.
Here's a few assumptions they've left out.

1.  That we're all idiots.

This entire scam is for the benefit of the chosen few, a chosen few who will pay absolutely nothing for the privilege.

2.  That words have meaning.

It's not a MultiUse facility any more then Mariner Stadium.  It's a ballpark, period.  Anything else is public relations smoke and mirrors.

3.  That those who benefit from this scam won't have to pay for it.

So, how much are the Yakima Millionaires going to be taxed for this?  How much are the scum shilling this going to be taxed?

How much is the newspaper and the concessionaires, who stand to make bank off of this going to pay in "fees" or "taxes?"

Nothing.  Because even though THEY benefit... WE pay.

The average Fair ticket will cost twice as much as their projected $5 ticket cost.  So, how is it that those going to the fair, or playing golf, or going to a movie... how is it that ANY of them will have to pay more than those attending a game?

5.  They don't want to let us vote on it.

The reason is obvious: they know damned well the vote would be overwhelmingly opposed to their rip off.

At the end of the day, this is a scam.  It's a scam because 3 children named Tim "The Liar" Leave-it, Steve
"The Liar" Stuart and Mike "Strike Out" Bomar want this to happen while they want US to pay for it.

Graft, corruption, lies, deceit, dishonesty.  That's what people got when they voted for Leave-it, Stuart and Boldt.

We have the government we deserve.


  1. 2 people did this!?

    We have a system we call a "democracy" where 2 (count them - T * W * O) people can tell all of us what we want to pay for as entertainment!

    T * W * O people!!!!

    You run against Marc, I'll run against Stuart.

  2. Unfortunately, Stuart has 3 more years he can damage us. Marc is coming up next year.

    Believe me, I'm examining the logistics and will have a much better idea after local redistricting is completed.

  3. Is it possible that Martin and you will be in his district if it bounds South & east of its current location?

  4. I'm in Stuart's district.

    Whenever I tried to dig into who was behind ridiculous, mysterious, "elitist" decisions, Stuart's name kept coming up. He's a career politician who hasn't passed the Bar. He's smarmy, superficial, and a proven liar. Also, I'm very suspicious of where his campaign financing comes from?

    Steve Stuart is what's wrong with politics.

    I'm in Britain studying the NHS (yes, I'm still a Liberal who believes in socialized medicine), and I'll be done just about the time Stuart comes up for re-election.

  5. Well, then, we should likely have a chat. Stuart's up in 2014, so there's time to plan.


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