Friday, November 18, 2011

Announcing "Marc Boldt Watch."

Starting next month, I'll be adding Marc Boldt Watch to the stable of blogs designed to keep the reader informed of the actions... or inactions... of Marc Boldt.

The list of outrages are long... and distinguished.  And by the next primary...'ll know them all.

To re-enforce these issues, I am considering running against him myself... not so I can win (not likely) but so that someone else who can actually does.

To Marc, I warned you, and you wouldn't listen.  To the Columbian: don't even bother to ask.


  1. Mitch Copp3:39 PM

    Run Mr. Hinton! This tax is insane.

  2. Well, Thanksgiving should be interesting.

  3. Hey Jude7:39 PM

    Could you add Tom Mielke to your list as he is up for re-election Dec. 2112 along with Marc Boldt. And throw in Steve Stuart. Does anyone know how much these guys earn/are paid for their jobs and what their perks amount to? Knowledge is power...power to the people!

  4. Well, Tom hasn't done anything to merit losing his job, and Stuart isn't up until 2014.

    They are paid just under $100,000 per year.


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