Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Your democrat-controlled state government in action: HUNDREDS of employees paid to sit at home and do nothing... sometimes, for years!

Article speaks for itself:
State pays workers to sit home and do nothing
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Posted on October 10, 2011 at 10:00 PM
Updated yesterday at 10:45 PM

TACOMA, Wash. -- Since 2007 at least 350 state employees have been instructed to sit home and collect a paycheck, vacation, sick days and full benefits. All they have to do is stay at home during their shift and be near the phone in case the state needs their service.

These employees are on "home assignment" because they’ve been accused of wrongdoing on the job. The idea is to keep them away from the workplace so the state can conduct a swift and fair investigation.
The KING 5 Investigators have found there’s nothing swift about some of these investigations. Through public records, KING 5 identified employees who have been on the clock, but off the job for weeks, months, and in some cases years; all at taxpayer expense.

Tammy Jo France of Tacoma worked for seven years as a residential rehabilitation counselor at the Special Commitment Center (SCC) on McNeil Island, where the state houses the most dangerous sexually violent predators.


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