Monday, October 10, 2011

The empty threats of Arch Miller: head first into the moron zone... "Arch comes out swinging?" Who cares?

Third in line to Obummer and Ridgefield Barbie in the tinnest ear in politics list, Miller tries to flex his nonexistent muscles... and naturally, the slimeballs at the democratian have to publicize it.

Miller, best known for getting hammered because of his inexplicable efforts to ram what would have been the largest tax increase in local history down our throats in an effort to expand his Port empire... as well as both his daughters getting free rent at the Grant House because they couldn't make a profit with their restaurant... and Miller knew people... giving them a corrupt deal we could never dream of...

Made a typically weak move by throwing a fit at the commissioners and the city council if they didn't do what he wanted... in opposition, of course, to those of us who don't want to get shafted for HIS business interests... and those of the rest of Identity Vancouver/Downtown Mafia crowd.

Well Miller has it all wrong.

Anyone voting FOR this crap pile will be electorally DOA the next day.

Boldt LIKES being a county commissioners.  He knows what's going to happen to him in the next election if he votes for this.

And there's really nothing Miller can do about it... including throwing a fit..

Arch comes out swinging

Blog: All politics is local

    Arch Miller, influential businessman and baseball backer, sent an email to the Vancouver City Council and the Clark County Commissioners last week, drawing correlations between the NBA lockout's effect on Portland businesses and the potential benefit that baseball might bring Southwest Washington.
    Miller, who has frequently donated in state and local political races (although his only contribution this year was one on Sept. 6 of $200 to Craig Riley), also let the politicians know they are replaceable.
    "Whether you are reelected or not is not important," he writes. "There are many others who are well qualified to fill your seat." (Just like they filled YOURS, right, Arch?  Idiot.)
    We bet the campaign checks won't be rolling in for those who vote against the proposed 5 percent entertainment tax -- which would be used to fund 40 percent of the construction cost of a stadium at Clark College. The team would pay another 30 percent of the $23 million cost.
    We also wonder if Miller sent similar emails to local businesses, asking them to help fill the 30 percent gap in finances?

    That Andrea being wrong is not surprising: the only thing smaller then her journalistic skills (or the lack thereof) is her political ignorance.

    Of course, since the rag wants this crap pile, I suppose she has to say garbage like this.

    Because, in the end, money doesn't buy you a seat.  Just ask Jack Burkman who got busted by Pat Campbell, and Pam Brokaw, who got nailed by Tom Mielke.

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