Friday, September 09, 2011

When a RINO for governor is all we've got.

Our attorney general is an impressive guy, on paper.

A charter member of the infamous Bellevue Mafia, he's seemingly mastered the art of winning a statewide election when no one else of consequence without a "D" after their name seems to have a chance.

While claiming allegiance to the GOP, the GOP he's a part of is that peculiar, out of touch, flexible principled type that King County... the ever increasingly darker blue King County... is so possessed of.

He's a lawyer, of course, and thus knows that words have meaning.

He knew that when he blew off the governor and joined the Obamacare lawsuit.

He knew that when he supported now-SEIU lobbyist Luke Esser's re-election as GOP Chair (Like the rest of the Bellevue Mafia)

He knew that when he called collective bargaining for public employees a "right."

He knew that when he provided advice.... Quite obviously untrue/unconstitutional advice... to GSA about forbidding a church using Capitol Lake for baptisms.

And he certainly knew that when he referred to Gov. Scott Walker's efforts to rein in Wisconsin's slimy public employee unions as "terrorizing" those unions.

And he knew it today when he had a minion make up some pure crap about why he's blowing off Clark County in their efforts to kill the Cowlitz Casino scam.
“After consulting with some of the interested client agencies and with the governor, however, we have decided not to intervene in the case at the trial court level."
The state supreme court just ruled 9 - 0 that he doesn't have to ask her spit.

So now, when he refuses to join the suit because "All of the parties are capably represented by very good legal counsel and we are confident that the issues will be fully and fairly presented to the court," I have to call bullshit... because the exact same thing could have been fairly said about the Obamacare suit which he joined anyway... apparently without making any effort to "consult" with "interested client agencies" OR the "governor."

I want leadership.  I want vision.  I want principle.  What I don't want is a political coward who allows his campaign fears to drive his legal duties... off a cliff in this case as he hangs us out to dry at the federal level.

I'm not going to support McKenna for governor.

I'm too old and beat up to work for the "settle-for" candidate.  And since there will be little difference between a Governor Inslee and a Governor McKenna... he's simply not worth the effort.

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