Thursday, August 18, 2011

The unbearable arrogance and ignorance of Jon Russell.

Every once in a while, the rag's political blogger hit men and women take a break and put something up they believe to be"funny."

Showing Steve "The Liar" Stuart and Tim "The Liar" Leavitt to be overgrown adolescent drunks was, well, both illuminating AND funny.

Getting Jon Russell's take on ANYTHING?

Not funneh.  Actually, rather pathetic.

Russell has never won a competitive election... anywhere.  A rank political hypocrite who recently was moronic enough to call out Ridgefield Barbie, for HER "feeling of self-importance..." the same Herrera he endorsed after bailing out of yet another of his miserable campaigns; this time, laughingly enough, for Congress; the idea that his spin is meaningful, or he has insights not readily available to a board fence is absurd.

Who Russell labels what is meaningless.  His positions are meaningless kabuki theater, all designed for the greater glory of Russell.

His efforts to pack the city council so he can become the defacto mayor are as transparent as the wind whistling, unimpeded, through the ear holes of his head.

Russell's tenure on the Washougal City Council has been marked with disaster.  He's done everything he can to get OUT of Washougal; he's done everything he can to screw UP Washougal; he markets himself as some sort of expert on a wide variety of things, using the worst of leadership techniques (Take credit for ANYTHING good; deflect and blame others for anything bad.) as his meme because he can't seem to help it.

The terminology he uses on his blog, for example, is language typically preserved for Senate campaigns... or presidential campaigns.
"They will advance with great momentum into the General Election,"Russell observed.
They.... what?  Who talks that way?  This sounds like a failed English exam.

And this crock:

He remarked that 60 percent of voters in each race rejected the "status quo."
And about 70% of the voters rejected his shills.  He doesn't seem to mention that.

It's this kind of nonsense... this self-important arrogance that plays a major role in Russell's numerous defeats.  He's convinced people are stupid, and if he lies enough and paints them a false enough picture, they'll support him.

He simply does not understand that honesty really is the best policy.

Claiming to be a conservative who picked up his 30 pieces of silver to ram the biggest tax increase in local history through in the guise of the Vancouver Port Levy he worked so hard to pass.... lying about having a degree but writing like he has a doctorate off a matchbook university.... overseeing the disaster of the still-missing $100,000.... signing off on Stacee Sellars excess in Vegas using the city checkbook.... using his position as a failed campaign prop... Lying about his wife being a doctor.... failing to follow the reporting laws for his campaign.... using state representative campaign funds to pay congressional campaign debt...

These are the DNA of Jon Russell.  His remarkable ability to lie, to twist, to exaggerate. to blame others for his own failings... these things represent the very worst of politics.

And so does Jon Russell.

Cross posted at Jon Russell Watch.

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