Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sarah Russell, wife of Jon Russell, confirms that Russell has been using fake names to comment on articles and blogs.

It has been long alleged that Jon Russell has repeatedly made up identities for purposes of commenting on blogs and in newspaper articles on line.  Russell, himself, has repeatedly denied such allegations.

Today, his wife confirms the allegations are true.

This comment was left on my Jon Russell Watch Blog by Sarah Russell, his wife:

Sarah Russell said...

I'm sure no one will believe anything I have to say on the topic, but I promised someone that if I had the time and energy, I would jump on an refute any known fallacies on this blog. SO, Here's for one: Jon Russell may have used aliases and fake names in the past but has not commented, blogged or otherwise produced written material under any fake names for over 6 months. I personally have no idea who these fake names belong to, but I have to refute the false allegations. I know it must come as a shock to some that there might be other persons out their using fake names and disliking this or that political figure, but I'm breaking the news now: there must be! Thanks for letting me set the record straight. Sarah Russell

This acknowledgment of Jon's basic, dishonest nature may be the straw that broke the camel's back.

Jon has REPEATEDLY denied the truth. 

And now, you confirm it.

Well, here's my response:

I appreciate you stopping by, but your admission here... now... when you knew he was doing this 6 months ago?

It amounts to what we in politics refer to as a "when did you stop beating your wife" moment.

The issue isn't that he's stopped... although my sources tell me he hasn't come close to stopping and that he had numerous identities on various newspapers...


For elected officials or candidates, using fake names to attack others and to engage in character assassination is NOT a luxury any elected official can afford. And then... to lie about it?
I freely admit I used a fake name and may continue to do so in the future.

But what am *I* elected to? What have *I* EVER been elected to?

Jon Russell has shilled himself as this honest, Christian kind of guy. He looked me in the eye over two years ago and solemnly told me that he'd "changed." That "holding his newborn daughters in his arms" has made him different.

Even invoking his children, he couldn't help but lie to me.

Because he had not changed... and in this regard, you have confirmed it.

Jon should resign. Now. Today.

He has lied REPEATEDLY on this issue... which begs the question: what else is he lying about... and to who?
This, of course, now amounts to what the democratian euphemistically calls "a paper trail."

Will they act and do what has to be done?

Because if they don't treat him the same way they've treated me... well, that will confirm a great deal... won't it?

Are we going to see Brancaccio hold Russell up and beat him to a pulp?  Or will he get a pass because I beat the hell out of Lou and the despicable rag he runs?

Cross posted at Jon Russell Watch.

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