Sunday, July 31, 2011

Will Tim "The Liar" Leavitt go the way of Sam "You don't even have to be 18 to have an" Adams? He should.

We all know the situation with Portland Mayor Sam Adams having sex with that kid and then lying about.  I've got to tell you, I really don't give a damn if Adams was nailing chickens as far as that goes.

Morality aside (Is homosexuality wrong is for another post) one thing people should be able to agree on is that Adams showed a complete lack of character and integrity by first, claiming that the allegations were untrue and that second, he then brutally and relentlessly attacked his opponent who, as it turns out, WAS telling the truth.

Here in our little burg, we've got the same situation.  We've got a lying pig as a mayor of Vancouver, a genuine slimeball who assured everyone and their brother he was firmly opposed to tolls as a made-up wedge issue that was a lie from start to finish.  Like Adams, Leavitt is a serial liar who can't be trusted to tell you the time, let along the truth.  Like Adams, he has a monumental arrogance about him that delusionally has convinced himself that, in fact, his view, his judgment and his decision making transcends the will of the people he lied to on a psychopathic level... as I repeatedly warned people he was lying... to get elected.

The sooner The Liar announces he's done, the better.  Because he's going to hear about each and every lie; over and over and over again... until even he's sick of it.

Adams, ultimately, made the right decision.  Leavitt, so far, has shown himself incapable of following suit... incapable of making the right decision when arrogance and deceit drive his personal agenda.

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