Wednesday, July 27, 2011

There are lies, damned lies and the CREDC study, a scam likely paid for with Yakima Millionaire funds.

We've been assaulted by bogus studies before with pre-ordained outcomes; the slime ramming this horrific bridge and loot rail scam down our throats immediately come to mind as a case in point.

The CREDC study, with it's impossibly high numbers if full of lies and deceit... and it was a result of a $5000 check from, you guessed it, the Yakima Millionaires trying to scam this community the same way the scum behind the prospective waste of  billions of dollars are trying to scam us on the CRC.

The REAL facts speak for themselves:  There's no groundswell of support demanding that the Yakima Millionaires stay in Yakima, as there no doubt would be if, in fact, the economic impact were anything like the fantasy presented in this study.

We've heard words like this before.  You know, "If we just blow this $867 BILLION on a pokulous, unemployment will stay under 8%."

Those working so hard to screw this entire community will no doubt trumpet this massive lie.  But that's the problem for them; it IS a lie, and we KNOW it's a lie.

The numbers are clear: the expectation is that 100,000 attendance would actually generate $10 million a year for 20 years.

The lying numbers?
The $206.5 million figure includes $34.5 million from construction, $4.6 million annually from the Yakima Bears and another $4 million annually from using the stadium to host regional and national tournaments.
Odd how a $22.7 million dollar ballpark manages to generate $34.5 million in construction.

And the other figures?  These slimeballs can;'t figure out a way to divert $1 million a year from the fantasy $8.6 million they claim this cesspool will generate?

I was born at night... but not LAST night.

And since these scum have to lie to get this thing built like this, there's only one answer: "No."


You clowns claim you've got "alternatives?"  Then use them.  Use any one of them, or all of them.

But don't build that manure pile here, rip us off to pay for it, pee on our legs and then tell us it's raining.


  1. I can't imagine why Yakima is letting this deal get away?!

    Another example of why Vancouver has the smartest, most savy government in the state. The turnip truck never drove through here.

  2. Anonymous12:59 PM

    As you know, I support the baseball team coming here. But even I had to shake my head and wonder from whence these numbers were pulled. All of the data and calculations I have done have a basis in fact with provable sources. This, not so much. I would really like to get my hands on their data to understand their source...this is why I was asking for your sources, too, Kelly...I don't support calculations I can't replicate and undestand their bases.

    Greg Owens


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