Thursday, July 28, 2011

More White House military religious bigotry. Combat soldiers selected to go to the White House because they happen to be... Hindu.

Race and religion are sensitive subjects, both within and without the military.

I am Caucasian.  My son is half Asian.  The knee jerk reaction to what I have to say will likely be that Hinton is a racist or some such garbage, when that has nothing to do with it.

Captain Raj Srinivason, US Army, has a blog which I've been following for quite some time.  I initially commented on the blog in question back when Raj was a platoon leader in Afghanistan over the occasionally driven question as whether, or if, the Service Academies were worthy of our continued government support (I believe they were and are, even though I was ROTC.).

Raj is a brilliant writer.  His passion and ability to communicate to the reader in ways that transform him or her into the time, place, and circumstance is as good as any I've ever seen.

He is a fine officer in every way; I wouldn't hesitate to serve with him where bullets were flying and blood was spilling.

Unfortunately, right now, Raj is serving as a "Minority Outreach Admissions Officer" at West Point. 

I say "unfortunately" because as a combat leader of proven ability, holding that post in the middle of a war is a complete waste of time, talent and money.

I say "unfortunately" because the Army used to strive to be color-blind, but given our vacuous leadership has now become one where "diversity" is a more important mission then killing the enemy, or training to kill the enemy.

Raj was among a group of combat soldiers selected to go to the White House.

There seems to have been but two criteria: that the soldiers in question are, in fact, combat veterans of the current war(s)... and that they practice Hinduism.

To use a religion to INclude is to use a religion to EXclude.  And I find that kind of nonsense to be utterly sickening.

Raj views it as an "honor."  He fails to understand that he's being used as yet another campaign prop for a President who quite literally despises the military he refused to serve in and views as just another pawn to be moved around his board.

"Blood has but one color," a platoon Sergeant of mine rammed down our Recon throats.  But it has multiple religions and the idea that it should somehow be a criteria for either inclusion or exclusion is anathema to what either being in the Army generally or being an officer specifically is supposed to be about.

  • Im honored to be invited to the White House tomorrow to be recognized with other Hindu Americans who have served this country in combat.
    20 minutes ago via Smart Tweets · ·

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