Friday, April 01, 2011

KVAN heading back to conservative talk.


Anonymous said...

I hate this. Where is my Sundays with Sinatra. There is no place on the airwaves to hear classic adult contemporary now.

Anonymous said...

this sucks! my old tube radios are out the door now.
i loved sunny now its just more talk
like we need more talk on am radio.
now its 99% talk. it just plain sucks! i want back my old format!

Steve in Portland said...

Agreed--my family and I (including our young children) have been listening to Sunny long before it was @ 1550. We loved singing along to the classics of American contemporary and hearing locally called baseball and the quirky tidbits of celebrity gossip and clean jokes the on-air personalities provided. A sad, sad thing. I nearly choked up a few weeks ago when I first tuned in to the "new" Sunny and heard yet another right-wing idealogue spouting uninformed opinion as 'fact' in the saturated world of political hate speech. The switch from a good and beautiful music source to a source of increased unpatriotic division and anger may be good for business, but not for the souls of listeners nor for the soul of this wonderful country.
I wish I could wish the new station well, but I simply can't.