Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What the heck is going on around here? Campbell steps up for a CRC vote?

Shades of the Twilight Zone.

Next thing we'll see is Rod Serling showing up with a cigarette at the next CRC meeting.

Pat Campbell, who has been a rabid bridge/loot rail/toll supporter since the inception of bridges/loot rail and tolls came out of no where this last evening and climbed on board to the obvious:

The People...

Have been promised...

A vote.

Steve Stuart was quite proud of that vote. He actually attempted to persuade the voters into thinking that he, Stuart, had arranged for the vote, no matter that the legislation that enabled the gerrymandering for the M&O levy REQUIRED a vote. And up until now, Stuart's been pretty quiet over the issue.

I wonder why?

While this may certainly be archived in the better-late-than-never file (we should have had a vote before one dime of this tens of millions of dollars vaporized) who saw it coming?

This is kind of like watching someone play the latest chapter of Angry Birds. The bomb bird blows up one side of the structure and the other side topples over... sometimes quickly... other times, not so much.

So what's happened?

Credible, well-supported, non-ignorable opposition has shown up, galvanized by David Madore.

He has turned himself into the 8000 pound guerrilla in the community.

Odd how all the cutesy little insults have stopped among the "elite" of the downtown mafia, isn't it?

Nevertheless, more and more elected officials who, like Tim "The Liar" Leavitt have opposed a voice by the people are suddenly beginning to see the light.

The Liar's unspeakable idiocy, where in he expresses some sort of erectile dysfunction concern over "setting some sort of precedent" would be laughable if a major part of this opposition didn't directly result from the lies and betrayal of his supporters based on his campaign and subsequent tenure.

His typically lame excuse?
“I think it would be very arrogant for somebody to suggest that the city of Vancouver should provide an advisory or binding vote,” Leavitt said. “To vote on a project whose scope is well beyond the citizens of our community … to think that the people who live within the city of Vancouver should dictate the fate of this project is extremely shortsighted.”
Given The Liar's history, even he should see the irony of calling for such a vote to be arrogant.

The "arrogance" here is that a lying, slimy little worm would presume to call a demand for the people he has so royally screwed to have a voice in all of this either "arrogant" OR "shortsighted" goes to show how out of touch, arrogant and shortsighted The Liar has truly become.

What The Liar doesn't understand is, that as a government official, everything he does is subject to review and modification and, as far as that goes, veto of, by and for the people if that be their will.

It takes a monumental lack of intelligence and ability on the part of someone who holds the public trust to believe, as The Liar so obviously believes, that his judgment and his alone should the the final arbiter of what the people want or don't want.

There can be no doubt that Vancouver can hold an advisory vote within their city limits, while the county can easily hold the same outside the city limits of Vancouver.

We can get this done. If clowns like Leavitt will get out of the way and STFU until he's removed from office, the people can band together and make some real progress in fixing this community hemorrhoid.

Government is to speak FOR us... not INSTEAD of us.

And it's just a shame the arrogant prigs like Leavitt can't get that.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget, Pat is up for reelection this year and a non-binding advisory vote looks good, but is worthless.


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