Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Vote on the CRC: County wide, or CRC C-Trans gerrymandered; advisory or binding; loot rail or the entire project?

OK, I admit it: any movement at all towards a vote on this pig is completely surprising to me.

Those of us wise enough to oppose this complete waste of time, energy and billions that has already vaporized $115 million + have been demanding a vote for years.

We were sure we had already buried this bloated corpse with one of the worst political slaughters since Reagan blew out Mondale, the last time the downtown mafia tried to scam us on this con job.

But then we've come to find out that the downtown thugs were willing to go Soviet style and ram this crap pile down our throats.

This time, they weren't going to ask us. This time, they were going to shove this thing down our throats while enslaving 65,000 commuters and their families with tens of thousands of dollars in lifetime tolls... while not giving us the opportunity to have any say... spawning the like of Tim "The Liar" Leavitt, who lied for months on end to scam people into believing he opposed tolls, only to flip about 10 minutes after he was elected, and now come out solidly opposed to allowing the people to have a vote.

Suddenly, almost out of nowhere, the downtown mafia's Amen Choir has a few members who're starting to sing a little off key.

I was quite literally stunned that Lou Brancaccio, a major downtown mafia thug, would seemingly flip on this issue with even his tepid demand for an advisory vote.

Brancaccio has led the cacophony of lies and deceit on this project from the beginning, while allowing his pit-yorkie, Jon Laird, to insult and belittle in about every imaginable way any one smart enough to call BS on their Goebbelian propaganda; including bogus polling, a deliberate, years long effort to ignore the massive opposition to their agenda, and viciously one-sided attacks on those, like me, who spit in their faces as a result of their thuggery; ignoring calls of years long duration to demand a vote and give the people a voice.

So now, Brancaccio comes out swinging for an advisory vote.

Then 3 legislators; one of whom, Sen. Don Benton, has been the most outspoken legislative opponent of the crap pile, comes out swinging; though one of them, Tim Probst, seems to have suffered memory problems over his pledge to try and get this put to a vote.

And THEN, Pat Campbell, one of the biggest cheerleaders for the downtown mafia's take on the crap pile, comes out in favor of a vote. Could his looming re-election effort be driving this?

I have been in favor of a vote as well, although my focus has been more on what I believe to be the more realistic goal of an advisory vote: however, I BELIEVE, AS DOES EVERY REPUBLICAN SUPPORTING A VOTE THAT I'VE TALKED TO, THAT WHILE THE VOTE SHOULD BE BINDING, ADVISORY IS AS GOOD AS IT'S GOING TO GET AND BETTER THAN NOTHING.

I want a binding vote on all of this. Government officials who don't want to give us any voice at all, including The Liar, Steve Stuart and my brother in law, Marc Boldt, are going to drag their heels on any vote, BECAUSE BELIEVE ME, THEY ALREADY KNOW THE MASSIVE OPPOSITION THEY FACE AND THEY ARE AFRAID THE OVERWHELMING NO VOTE TO THIS CRAP PILE WILL BE FAR TOO BIG TO IGNORE.

Neither Brancaccio or Campbell have indicated what the impact of an advisory vote would, or should be.

Of course, any vote on this issue must be county wide, because while efforts have been made in the past to exclude tens of thousands of voters from the election... no effort has been made to exclude us from paying their tax.

This vote, were it to be held, must be based on who will PAY it... not where they draw the lines to make sure they can rape us by taking our money without giving us any say.

And while even though these clowns want to spend billions ONLY to bring loot rail into Vancouver, the ENTIRE PROJECT SHOULD BE ON THE BALLOT.

We do not need a new bridge where the current one is. We need two other bridges in locations that will relieve pressures on the 5 and the 205.

Replacing a bridge that will accomplish nothing in the realm of reducing congestion or improving freight mobility is what makes this such a criminal waste. Using this as an excuse to waste billions to bring the unneeded and unwanted loot rail into Vancouver makes it even worse.

Those complaining about earthquake survivability say nothing about retrofitting the current bridge.

They say nothing because the bridge has never been the issue.

Whatever the occasional inconvenience of the draw bridge... well... drawing, may be... THERE IS NOTHING THERE WORTH PAYING $100 PER MONTH FOR EACH COMMUTER TO PAY FOR A BOGUS FIX FOR A NONEXISTENT PROBLEM.

Hold the vote. Make it binding. Make it for the entire project. Make it county wide.

And do it now.

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