Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Ridgefield Barbie continues to lie.

I really don't get it. In this day and age, the internet can pretty much check you out in a few seconds.

So, imagine my surprise when my wife got a fund raising letter from Babs that led off with this lie:
"I have been in office for less than three months and the national Democrat machine is already targeting me for defeat."
We should be so lucky.

Here's the Oregonian's take on it:

Another sign of Herrera Beutler's political

Published: Monday, January 31, 2011, 9:07 AM Updated: Monday, January 31, 2011, 9:27 AM
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is spending really early money on radio ads and other media blasting 19 House Republicans it believes are potentially vulnerable in the next election.

What's telling is that the committee targets one of the Washington House Republicans. But it isn't Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, the freshman from Camas who won what has been often described as a classic swing district.

Instead, the committee is going after Rep. Dave Reichert, who represents a suburban Seattle district and has survived tough opponents in both big Democratic years (2006 and 2008) and in the last, more Republican-friendly, go-around.

That just may tell you something about how the Democrats are viewing the next go-around. Washington is gaining a seat because of population growth and the district lines will really be shuffled.

There's a lot of talk that Herrera Beutler's district will lose Olympia, the most reliably Democratic part of the district. That could really cement her in place despite the truism that lawmakers are never more vulnerable than when they're running their first reelection race.

The DCCC may have picked Reichert - one of only two non-freshman on the the list - because his district could also get heavily redrawn, and not necessarily in a good way for him.

So, like usual, Herrera tells us one thing... when the truth is something entirely different.

Cross posted at Jaime Herrera Watch.


  1. I'd like to run against Ms. Herrera but it seems unlikely I could survive a Dem Primary. She's exactly the kind of know-nothing tool that made me want to attempt politics in the first place...

  2. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Why do I have a feeling that was written by one of her staff instead of Jaime herself?

  3. Anonymous 8:30, I'd be very surprised to learn that Herrera knows how to write her own name.

    That's what she has a staff for.

    Some Tea Party folks are already figuring out they were bamboozled.

    How that plays out in 2012 remains to be seen.

    After all I saw in the campaign, I'll vote for a Democrat before I'll vote for her.


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