Thursday, March 10, 2011

The communist, democrats, union problem in Wisconsin.

The scum have gathered in an effort to physically stop the government of Wisconsin. They've caused hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars of damage to the Capital Building, all to the silence of our state leftists.

The purpose of the whole thing is to cause incidents for the media. I get that. They will not be able to stop democracy in the Assembly merely because they oppose it.

They believe, like the fleebaggers believed, that they could hold government hostage. They are wrong.

While they're using the Soviet model to try and block the engine of legislation, they forget one critical factor: a quorum of the House may conduct business anywhere.

The Speaker can have the House meet in any location to pass this bill, and that's what needs to happen if they can't get it done at the Capital.

Have the legislature meet at a Denny's. Have them meet in a high school gym. Have them meet in any facility that will hold them.

Record the proceedings, pass the law, and move on.

Anarchy is a fringe leftist tradition. As Governor, I would hesitate to call out the National Guard to restore order, because most Guard troops have combat or combat support experience and they would not suffer these clowns gladly. Images of these slime getting hammered would reverberate and be used as political fodder. I get all that.

But I would. I would still call out the Guard because Capital security has proven itself incapable of handling this situation... and as governor, I couldn't follow in the dithering footsteps of the coward in the White House.

These leftist slimeballs have had it all their own way for far too long. Moving the Wisconsin House to a National Guard Armory, televising and recording the proceedings for the record... these seem to me to be the steps to take.

Live feeds include this link:

Political drama at it's finest. Will the Governor allow this leftist rape to continue? Stay tuned.


  1. It's interesting that we halfway agree on strategy - let the Assembly assemble wherever it can to continue their jobs.

    However, I think this battle is won. ANYTHING other than ignoring the rabble is a loss. National Guard? Definite loss. Strong-arm tactics? Another loss. Angry anti-union speeches? Loss.

    If there really is a Silent Majority, then gov unions are gone...

  2. Well, here's my quandary.

    What the protesters are doing is reminiscent of Nazi tactics in the early 30's. The question is, are these people to be allowed to take any action that want to disrupt the process?

    As I pointed out, the protesters have caused 100's of thousands of dollars in damage to the capital building. As i pointed out, security at the capital seems overwhelmed by it all.

    When you express concern over "strong armed tactics," who are you referring to?

    The Strong Arm Tactics of the police, doing their jobs?

    Or the weeks long strong armed tactics of the protesters and the democrat senators?

    Why is the first so objectionable, but the second so acceptable?

    At some point, the line must be drawn...At some point, those engaging in these communist flying squad tactics of disruption, intimidation, death threats and the like have to be held accountable.

    Doing nothing is the wrong thing when the process is halted in ways that were the show on the OTHER foot, would be condemned from every corner of the planet.

    I stand by my observations and my plan. As it is, the occupiers have been unsuccessful, and the issue is under discussion right now, although the democrats continue to engage in their playground histrionics... so my observation is moot.

    But Martin, I've got to tell you... this is just the start. We're rapidly heading to a situation not unlike Greece.

    And at what point do we say "enough?"

    Had the governor acted properly by bifurcating this bill weeks ago, this would have been done.

    As it is, he screwed up. But his screw up does not allow the democrats and other protesters to disrupt the process in ways that had they still been in power, they wouldn't DREAM of allowing.

    Now these scum are running a privileged motion to remove the Speaker.

    HE's screwing up because he hasn't called the question so they can move on.

    There is a need to go fist city with the unions. Because sooner or later, it's going to to happen... and it might as well be now.

  3. Doing anything that galvanizes the opposition is a loss. Ignoring a cry-baby leaves you in control - negotiating with one puts them in control.

    I think where we differ is that you would like the aggravators penalized for their actions. Winning is enough for me – let them drag their sorry asses home and get on with their lives.

  4. I am primarily concerned about emboldening further episodes like the Wisconsin situation.

    Making it as difficult as possible on those who are injuring democracy through disrupting the process would, I believe, tend to reduce their ardor in future efforts.

    Because, Martin, if the right were doing this?

    There would have been, as I believe there shortly will be, blood on the streets.


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