Friday, February 18, 2011

Why I dispise government unions.

While Washington State is as close to socialism as one can realistically get... except for, maybe, Oregon... the fact remains that public employee unions are a cancer who's time has past... and they should be gutted and tossed into the garbage heap of history.

For an example of what their true priorities are, one need only look at Wisconsin.

Wisconsin governor Scott Walker has started the long overdue process of neutering the public employee unions of Wisconsin... because they are, in fact, the ones responsible for Wisconsin's massive budget deficit... and Walker has had enough.

The result?

The "teachers" who allegedly give such a damn about their kids have abandoned their classrooms, shutting down entire school districts.

The cowardly democrats have abandoned their jobs as legislators and have run away.

The union members are acting like this is Greece, and that they are somehow beyond the fact that we have a horrific economy.

The clueless, moronic, fringe-left socialist president has stuck his ignorant nose into a situation where it does not belong... kinda like he did in Egypt... with the same results.

Were I an elected official at any level, I would make it my life's work to end any government union of any kind.

They have no right to exist, and the harm they've caused... and continue to cause... far outweighs any good.

These kinds of Nazi tactics will not help them in the eyes of the public, who they have been raping, literally, for decades.

Obama, ever the clueless moron, seems to have forgotten all about his program of "shared sacrifice," if he ever meant it to apply to government employees in the first place.

The actions of these scum make a compelling case for eliminating unions from government. And the more they engage in these playground histrionics, the more I will oppose whatever their aims may be.

Governor, were it me, I would call out the National Guard and have them arrest any teacher not in their classroom, teaching.... every state worker not at their job, working.

Because this is the deal: we are in horrific recession. And this ain't about YOU, it's about US, and we have had enough.

You do not have the right to strike. So, what say you spend a little time locked up? Maybe then, you'll get the point.

And, of course, if you don't like your terms of employment, you can always quit.

You won't be missed... and there will be 50 others who can do your job as well as you, and do it for even less money.

Know what I mean?

If you want to be sickened, watch these slime snivel in Wisconsin here:



Lew said...

Martin, I am amazed at the ignorance of teachers in these states. Do they not realize they are rallying to raise their own taxes and will end up with even less in the long run?

Unions in the private sector is one thing and even then not all are reputable, but in the public sector, they have become an economic liability.

As for Wisconsin, it's refreshing to see a governor with a pair standing up the union extortion of the treasury.

Unknown said...

When the state is flat broke, no federal insurance or backing will save their bacon.

The money is spent and the credit card is 'maxed out' and delinquent. Tax increases will fall on broke working people and companies that will, nobody will win.

Interesting that Obama's 'redistribution agenda' doesn't apply to government or state workers....

It's only a matter of time.

Martin Hash said...

Lew, you're right, when private unions "bust" their company, everybody goes down, so it's self-regulating - kinda like the old Cold War maxim, "Mutually Assured Destruction."

But public unions have nothing keeping them in check, and they exploit their monopoly.