Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Vancouver City Council cluelessness starts from the top down on the bridge/loot rail project.

The rag reports that the "council backs cable-stayed bridge design," and THEN tells us:
"However, councilors said they were concerned that they didn’t know enough about how the new alternative design would affect the city’s revitalizing downtown, highway connections and a major new riverfront development."
So, let me get this straight. The idiots backing this plan do so without knowing its impacts?

Yeah. That sounds like something The Liar would do or say or support.

My question though, is this. This is the same body that can't do anything about tolls, right? They're the ones that, according to "The Liar" Leavitt and the rag, can't have any impact on the issue of tolls... right?

So... if they can't impact THAT issue... then what difference does it make WHAT design THEY want? Who cares? The Taliban City Council of Vancouver has no say in this... right?

Sure they don't.

The TCC could kill tolls... and this entire unnecessary plan... with a snap of their collective fingers.

That, of course, is just one of the many reasons to despise both the mayor... and the daily rag, which continues to sit on the FACT that there is NO LIGHT RAIL REQUIREMENT to build this bridge.

And along comes Don Wagner, already quoted as saying, in effect, that we don't need to replace the bridge we have, forgetting who he works for and what his bosses... the people... want:
“This is a point where the governors don’t want us to dilly-dally,” CRC co-director Don Wagner told councilors. “They want us to move at a pace that is rapid.”
When it comes to The People, Don... you couldn't be more wrong. We want you to "dilly-dally" a whole lot more, because this is where I remind you that neither governor will have to pay the toll for this horrific project to go to work every day. That's kind of limited to the commuting public... the working stiffs... and their families who will have to bear the burdens of your extortion... along with the local businesses who will suffer as a result of tens of millions of dollars worth of disposable income disappearing from our local economy.

And, of course, once again the scum running our local cancer on our community failed to seek out any opposing view to this Iranian-style governmental decree.


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