Friday, February 18, 2011

Tim "The Liar" Leavitt really is scum: censorship is the order of the day.

Give me Pollard any day, and twice on Sunday.

It's bad enough that The Liar scammed the voters by actually conning them into voting for him based on his very fake, non-existent opposition to tolls.

But now, he wants to limit any remarks about that issue or his bizarre flip/flop on the issue... or anything else he doesn't like... until after the council is over, so those there to spoeak can do so to an empty room.

God save us from arrogant scum like Leavitt.

There can be no doubt that Leavitt is tired of confronting his perfidy week in, and week out. So, since he can't control what the speakers say, he'll control when and how they can say it.

The little coward doesn't have the guts to demand this issue be put to a vote; he knows damned well he will lose that vote, and then he'll REALLY look like a lilly-livered scumbag.

Cross-posted at Tim Leavitt Watch.

1 comment:

  1. Not giving the nutless wonder a pass, but I also imagine he was strong armed by Patty Murray when she came to town too.

    Where I am really disappointed is in the 2 Army veterans sitting on the council and their lack of spine over any of this usurpation of citizens rights.

    Did they serve in a different Army than I did?


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