Saturday, February 19, 2011

So, now the truth comes out: Tim "The Liar" Leavitt didn't like how his girlfriend was treated, so he wants to censor the people.

I knew this when I posted earlier about this slimeball's efforts to silence the people because he didn't like their message... but I wanted to give him the chance to do the right thing.

The democratian's description of Tanya Rulli as The Liar's "friend," is, to be charitable, the understatement of the year.

The fact is this: they are engaged in a well known intimate relationship, and for this out of town clown to get in front of the microphone to support the most important goal her boyfriend has, namely, getting the bridge/loot rail project started before he's thrown out of office on his lying ass; and doing so without acknowledging her relationship to our scummy mayor... well, that invites the public reaction she so richly received.

It's one thing to support something because you actually believe in it. It's quite another to support it primarily because you're having a sexual relationship with this horrific project's chief proponent... one who lied about his positions to get elected, at that. And do you believe, for one minute, that The Liar did not know or had no input on what his "friend" had to say?

So, what we're seeing here is The Liar throwing a snit because people in the crowd were commenting on the nature of their relationship... a relationship that the viewer of this meeting would not known had existed... a relationship that actually caused this simple idiot to call those so rightfully opposed to Leavitt's Lie, well, "Liars."

The Liar knows that if this project were put to a vote, it would get clobbered. I have heard from several contacts that in moments of sobriety and clarity, The Liar has acknowledged as much.

That he runs into a group of HIS citizens who hate what, and how, and why he is screwing us this way does not excuse his efforts to censor that opposition.

The democratian will, no doubt, support The Liar effort to censor, because they do nothing to provide the opposition with the opportunity to state their perspective, hoping against hope that those looking at this slop will actually believe that little to no opposition exists.

But for Leavitt's bed partner to get up in public and call those smart enough to oppose her slimy boyfriend's plan to extort hundreds of millions of dollars from his constituency "liars," without first acknowledging the full disclosure of their relationship?

WHAT THE HELL DID SHE (or The Liar, for that matter) EXPECT?

And does anyone reading this believe, for one second, that if the regular speakers SUPPORTED this cancer on our community, the slimeball mayor would be doing anything to, effectively, silence those supporters?

If the show was on the other foot, and those in opposition matched The Liar's zeal in getting this thing built... would we be hearing any of this?

Of course not. And in that regard, there's little difference between The Liar and, say, Ackmadinajad, or any other terrorist out there.

So, there you have it. His bed-buddy's feelings were hurt, and a petulant mayor still wants to get laid. The result? Well, by golly, he's going to show US.

There is no excuse. There is no justification. You ran for a job where people, once they found out what a lying scumbag you really were, would come unhinged at your dishonesty and manipulation. And had you done the reverse... had you run supporting tolls... and somehow managed Io get elected... only to change your mind... the local rag would be savaging you every hour on the hour. But hypocrisy that goes to their agenda is perfectly acceptable for this abortion of journalism.

Thus, the rag's portrayal of Rulli as nothing more then Leavitt's "friend," as if their were mere acquaintances... and not exchanging bodily fluids.

I dare, you, Liar. I dare you to censor the people... to turn off the cameras... and turn your backs on the people, many of whom were foolish enough to have helped vote you into office in the first place, only to have you betray them with every fiber of your being when you flipped... as I repeatedly said you would... on the critical issue of bridge tolls.

I double-dog dare you.

Cross-posted at Tim Leavitt Watch.

1 comment:

  1. Watching her "testimony," she appears to be reading from a prepared statement as she, even though measured somewhat, labels opponents of loot rail liars, a minority and claims she represent a majority.

    If they had a majority, it would be put to a vote, knowing they will win.

    Not that I believe Josephine did stare her down, but even if she did, how will Rulli deal with criminals in the court room who really will stare her down as she prosecutes them?

    Isn't she allegedly a "senior deputy prosecutor" after all?

    This is nothing more than another effort to silence the people by the real fatcats who will be wealthy beyond their dreams once this monstrosity is shoved down our throats

    Given how we saw the anti-war protester brutally ejected from Hillary Clinton's speech, will that be Leavitt's next recourse?


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