Sunday, February 06, 2011

Tell me again... why was it the Klingon Princess set up the school food Gestapo?

A basic tenet of leadership, which our Empty-Suited, Anti-American Racist Bigot in the White House seems to know nothing about, consists of "setting the example." In short, hypocrisy isn't a great game plan.

Never mind that in the midst of our horrific recession, this clown has a party at taxpayer expense every Wednesday... or plays golf while America burns, so to speak. After all, when he's a hypocrite, that's different, somehow.

But to waste additional billions and restrict the types, times and kinds of foods schools can sell, officially or unofficially? Well, this is one of our more blatant cases of not doing what we do, but doing what we say.

How do I get there? Simple:

Beer from Super Bowl states heads up Obama's party

2 hrs 24 mins ago

WASHINGTON – You could call it the White House Beer Summit, Part II.

President Barack Obama is turning again to fermented alcoholic beverages to find common ground between antagonists, this time fans of the Green Bay Packers and the Pittsburgh Steelers.

For his Super Bowl party Sunday evening, Obama is offering Yuengling Lager and Light, brewed in Pennsylvania, and Hinterland Pale Ale and Amber Ale, all the way from Wisconsin. Independents can pour down some White House Honey Ale if they like.

The rest of the menu for the 100 or so guests at the White House bash is tailgate-friendly even if served inside the Executive Mansion: bratwurst, kielbasa, cheeseburgers, deep-dish pizza and Buffalo wings with sides of German potato salad, twice-baked potatoes and assorted chips and dips.

Setting the example, you moron. Stop smoking, and start eatling like you and that other idiot want the unwashed masses to eat.

Otherwise, kiss it where the sun don't shine.


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