Monday, February 07, 2011

Huge mistake in the Lieberman/Collins report detailing the systemic military failures to deal with Maj. Hasan, the Ft Hood Terrorist.

A ticking time bomb.

There was a minor splash when Senators Joe Lieberman and Susan Collins released their findings on the systemic military failures in dealing with Maj. Nidal Hasan, the terrorist who slaughtered soldiers and civilians at Ft. Hood. Having reviewed their report, I had been hoping that not only would they hold the Army and the investigative agencies who SHOULD have identified this nut job early on and then kicked him out, subsequently saving those who were killed and wounded in Ft. Hood, but that they would also identify specific individuals for special attention given their multiple failures to exercise their authority and judgement to eliminate this clown from my Army.

I was to be disappointed. From page 9 of the report, with my emphasis.
In presenting our findings and recommendations below, we are grateful for the service given by our nation's military, law enforcement, and intelligence personnel. Our aim in this investigation was not to single out individual negligent judgment; such instances are for the agencies to deal with, as appropriate. Nor do we seek to second-guess reasonable judgments. Instead, we act under our Constitutional duty 10 oversee the Executive Branch's performance and thus to determine - independently from the Executive Branch's own assessment - what, if any, systemic issues are exposed by the Hasan case. The specific facts uncovered by the Committee's investigation necessarily led us to focus our key findings and recommendations on 000 and the FBI. But the Hasan case also evidences the need for a more comprehensive and coordinated approach to countcrradicalization and homegrown terrorism across all agencies, including federal, state, and local entities, which arc critical to keeping our country safe.
So let me get this straight:

They're leaving it up to the Army to exercise their proven inability to deal with morons posing as officers to address the individual shortcomings of the officer who allowed this pig to stay in my Army?

Fat chance.

So, just for giggles, I checked one of the more egregious slimeballs, one Lieutenant Colonel Melanie Guerrero, to see if any action (Like a court martial and dishonorable discharge) had been taken against her.

Nope. She's still in, still at Walter Reed and still in a position to infest the military with her idiocy.
The next time the leadership of the US Military is looking around, scratching their collective asses, trying to figure out why so few, relatively speaking, seek mental health help for their trauma and PTSD, they might want to look hard at this quote:
One of Hasan's commanding officers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Lieutenant Colonel Melanie Guerrero, told investigators she had considered failing him as an intern but "decided to allow him to pass since he was going into psychiatry and would not be doing any real patient care."
If I could wave my magic wand, LTC Guerrero would immediately be reassigned to a Manila whorehouse, treating syphilitics where she so obviously belongs. But I would not let her within 5 miles of anyone serving in the military today.

This sorry bitch needs to be relieved IMMEDIATELY, and then she needs to both be kicked out, AND required to repay the Army (meaning us taxpayers) for all of the money we WASTED in training HER dumb ass and promoting HER idiotic efforts to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

This issue is even separate from the stupidity of just passing someone, not because they deserved it, BUT BECAUSE THIS MORON DIDN'T THINK THEY'D BE PRACTICING REAL MEDICINE.

Here's the article. Read it for yourself.
The good senators failed when they didn't drill down far enough to determine the individual failures. They have the evidence.

The trouble for me is their continuing faith in a politically correct military, neutered by a socialist fringe-left Commander in Chief, and now even more fearful that acts of discipline against minority officers will lead to a "racist" career ending rap.

I am mystified that these two senators would depend on the military to act when it has failed to act to discipline any of the officers in question since this sorry, excruciating episode happened, reinforcing the believe that political correctness supersedes common sense... and that for some, psychiatric assistance "isn't real patient care" anyway.

Guerrero is low hanging fruit. And apparently, the Army hasn't done a damned thing about her... nor are they likely to.

And that's one of the biggest failures of all.


  1. Outraged indignation works both ways.

    There were plenty of past examples of "discrimination" that could be used to bulldozer the debate. Since then there are counter examples to beat back the PC folks.

    Neither side has an advantage now.

  2. Lew, I was including this travesty as a club for "our side" to use.

    p.s. I'm not against affirmative action or even lip-flapping PC jerks, as long as there's some demonstrable, logical, positive result, and it's not just self-righteous chest-thumping.


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