Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The democratian advocates adding crippling taxes and tolls, but wants us to shop on this side of the river? Here's a clue: dope isn't legal...

... over here yet... so stop smoking it.

The democratian serves as a local cheerleader for a variety of things... most of which cost those of us who live here a great deal of money.

Rare is the occasion when the brighter lights at the democratian oppose tax increases, or school bonds, or levies; who can forget their rabid support of the gerrymandered C-Trans vote that excluded tens of thousands of voters from voting... but not from paying their jacked up sales tax?

And now they rabidly support blowing a $100,000,000 per year hole in our local economy that will vaporize that cash for tolls... all so they can get their agenda of loot rail stuffed down our throats.

In an economy as sick as the one we have here locally, the costs for just living here increase geometrically as the rag forces their vision onto the people... who mostly do not want either their agenda or the paper itself.

The paper advocating "shopping local" here is much like the paper serving as the navigator on the Titanic, and then urging the passengers to take buckets of water and pour them IN to the boat.

We have a hard enough time making it as it is now. If the democratian gets their way, they will make an already horrific situation essentially impossible.

And they want us to shop "locally?"

Fat chance... and good luck with that.

Of course, the majority of the time, doing the exact opposite of what the rag wants is typically a good course of action... isn't it?

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