Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Democrat congressman urges union members to spill blood.

This assclown is, fortunately for us, on the other side of the country. But particularly given the recent events in Tuscon, he should be kicked out of Congress, post haste.

Here's the story from The Hill, Via Drudge.

Democrat urges unions to 'get a little bloody when necessary'

By Michael O'Brien - 02/23/11
07:57 AM ET

Sometimes it's necessary to get out on the streets and "get a little bloody,"
a Massachusetts Democrat said Tuesday in reference to labor battles in Wisconsin.

Rep. Michael Capuano (D-Mass.) fired up a group of union members in Boston with a speech urging them to work down in the trenches to fend off limits to workers' rights like those proposed in Wisconsin.

"I’m proud to be here with people who understand that it’s more than just sending an email to get you going," Capuano said, according to the Dorchester Reporter. "Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary."

Political observers have been the lookout for potentially incendiary rhetoric in the wake of January's shooting in Tucson, Ariz., where Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D) survived an assassination attempt, six were killed, and 12 others were injured.

Political rhetoric has become especially heated in Madison, Wis., where Republican Gov. Scott Walker has proposed major labor reforms that sparked more than a week's worth of rowdy protests at the state capitol.

"We take security seriously, whether it's for me, the lieutenant governor and all 132 members of the state legislature, Democrats or Republicans alike, because there's a lot of passion down here," Walker said Tuesday on MSNBC about his safety in Wisconsin. "And particularly when we see people coming in being bussed in from other states, that's what worries us."


What happened to all that fringe-left nutter bogus concern over "civility," post Tucson?

"Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary."

Really? Images of Hitler's failed putsch back in 1923 comes to mind. That same turn of a phrase. That same Nazi mentality.

I take a moron congressman from either side advocating the spilling of blood seriously as well. And if that's how you want to play, then let's go.

Bring it.

Meanwhile, he should be forced to resign TODAY. Because I believe that his utterances, inflaming an already bad situation, far exceed the idiocy of Congressman Chris Lee sending shirtless pics out over craigslist.


  1. The Trade Unions should stay clear of the public employees unions during this idiocy, otherwise they will be painted with the same discredited brush.

    America, by-in-large, supports private unions, but mostly hate government unions.

  2. The public employee unions could have been heroes here... but they missed their opportunity.

    Imagine the different perception we would have if they had abandoned their Stalingrad orders (Fight to the last man, the last bullet) acknowledged our economic situation and proceeded to get out in front of this situation by leading the way... volunteering cuts and increased percentages of their pay when the bubble burst.

    Yes, they would have had to take cuts. But aren't cuts better than lay offs?

    This should have been viewed as an opportunity. During the I-695 days, John Carlson advocated that then Gov. Locke hold a special session. His position?

    "We have a choice: we can land the place with the wheels up... or we can fly it directly into the ground. But either way, that plane is coming down."

    Locke, of course, chose to fly it directly into the ground... much like the public employee unions.

  3. This topic is simply matchless :), it is interesting to me.


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