Friday, February 04, 2011

Herrera's town hall: another waste of time.

Where is COL West when we need him?

The following worthless quote, utterly meaningless in its vacuousness, sums it up:

Asked her view on the funding and construction of a new Columbia River Crossing, likely the most significant federal issue she will face over the next two years, Herrera said she supports a new bridge but will take her direction from her constituents.

“I agree that this issue is huge,” she said. “We can’t afford to get this wrong. I believe we need a safe bridge that moves people and freight efficiently. Beyond that, I have not had enough answers about what it looks like and how it will be funded.”

What a gutless waste.

The issue of supporting the bridge is an up or down, yes or no issue.

The people don't want this horrific crap pile, and Ridgefield Barbie knows it. Clearly, she hasn't received her marching orders from McMorris, and until she does, she's not authorized to tell us she's going to "Leavitt" us and throw the people of Clark County under a bus.

We'd have been better served if she had just emailed out a press release.

Cross posted at Jaime Herrera Watch.


Martin Hash said...

I went to the townhall. (Didn't see you or Lew? I was the one in the funny hat.) Mrs. Beutler bordered on embarassingly vapid but I'll give her a pass. Does make me nostalgic for Baird though.

Good crowd, good buzz. Except for the kibitzer sitting next to me, there were no annoying, self-aggrandizing jerks. Vice Chair of the tribe was there - he gets a pass too. We had some Dems show but just to listen.

Lew said...

Martin, I was there. Towards the end, I was the one who rose up to take some photos of the crowd from the corner towards her right side.

I thought her replies were vague (as expected) and did not hear anything new.

Passing around her congressional voting card was for what?

I also thought it very telling, when she was holding up the chart showing the growth of the national debt, that she said something about having no idea it was either that large or growing that fast, I didn't write her words down.

Isn't that one of the things she ran on?

The one guy that rose up and rambled on about many issues was a bit much, but he spoke his piece.

I was surprised, after all of the negative comments on the Columbian about her accepting government health care, that not one person called up rose up and said anything. And then, on Kathie's article, there they come again.

Keyboard Warriors!

Lew said...

Oh yes, I had a question prepared to ask, on the 35% increase we have seen in the state in illegal aliens, while the rest of the country has remains somewhat steady and what her specific ideas or plans were to address it. But my ticket did not get drawn.

No surprise there.

I notice on both her sign in sheet and issues page on her website, once again, Immigration is not listed as an area of concern.

Martin Hash said...

Lew, though I'm a BUILD-A-FENCE hawk, I'm going to give Ms. Herrera some slack - she was elected by the hispanic vote, and you dance with the ones who brung ya.

And that bit about the CBO not being able to project the deficit - if they can't model it, she sure as h*ll can't graph it!

Lew said...

Martin, I'm not a fan of a fence, having spent three years of my life viewing the fenced area between West Germany and East Germany/Czechoslovakia.

However, I don't see a better solution to all of the illegal entry going on, so I support a fence.

Sorry, but I don't cut any of them any slack. If she coddled up to Hispanics to win, that is no excuse to ignore the growing problem, as the 35% increase in Washington State shows.

If she was dishonest with Hispanics (they only comprise some 57% of illegal aliens by the way), that's her problem.

Kicking the illegal alien problem down the road has to stop and if she isn't winning to take a stand on it, why is she there?

Incidentally, I would take the same 'hold their feet to the fire' stance if the one I supported got in, as I told him I would.

The days of loose talk and no action has to stop and stop now. We can't afford to continue ignoring the problem and paying out what we don't have for it.