Saturday, February 26, 2011

The fringe leftists at the federal level go dark on Wisconsin.

Seems Like D's at the federal level are getting quieter. Why?

Because democrats did what?

Why, they stripped federal unions of their collective bargaining.

Yup... I'm hearing that Jimmy Cahtah removed their ability to engage in collective bargain... and though the dems had 2 years to address that "shortcoming," what did they do?

Nothing. Nada. Zip.

So, someone had to tell Obama to shut his pie hole before Gov. Wallace stuck his foot in it.

You remember the faux outrage... the fake righteousness... even an idiotic moron who should be forced out of Congress calling for blood to be spilled.

But suddenly, it seems most everyone at the federal level has shut their collective pie hole.

I was a bit mystified about that... why the Empty Suit in the White House had gone silent after hosing union support... not unlike our own local version, Tim "The Liar" Leavitt flipping on bridge tolls after running on a fake platform opposed to those tolls.

Then it came back to me... then I heard about it.

They shut up because they realized that what Wisconsin Governor Scott Wallace wanted was the exact same thing they have at the fed: a state work force that cannot engage in collective bargaining.

Here's a little peek at the Left's hypocrisy, fresh from the WSJ:

Union Power for Thee, But Not for Me

If the president is so upset with Wisconsin's labor law
reforms, why won't he allow federal workers to bargain collectively?

It will no doubt surprise you to learn that President Obama, the great patron of the working man, also happens to be the great CEO of one of the least union-friendly shop floors in the nation.

This is, after all, the president who has berated Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's proposal to limit the collective bargaining rights of public employees, calling the very idea an "assault on unions." This is also the president who has sicced his political arm, Organizing for America, on Madison, allowing the group to fill buses and plan rallies. Ah, but it's easy to throw rocks when you live in a stone (White) house.

Fact: President Obama is the boss of a civil work force that numbers up to two million (excluding postal workers and uniformed military). Fact: Those federal workers cannot bargain for wages or benefits. Fact: Washington, D.C. is, in the purest sense, a "right to work zone." Federal employees are not compelled to join a union, nor to pay union dues. Fact: Neither Mr. Obama, nor the prior Democratic majority, ever acted to give their union chums a better federal deal.

Scott Walker, eat your heart out.

For this enormous flexibility in managing his work force, Mr. Obama can thank his own party. In 1978, Democratic President Jimmy Carter, backed by a Democratic Congress, passed the Civil Service Reform Act. Washington had already established its General Schedule (GS) classification and pay system for workers. The 1978 bill went further, focused as it was on worker accountability and performance. It severely proscribed the issues over which employees could bargain, as well as prohibited compulsory union support.

Much More:

So, not only do federal employees lack collective bargaining, it was a democrat president with a democrat congress that did it to them.

That's golden.

Two million federal employees have no "right" to collective bargaining. And the democrats, who had complete control over government over the last two years, did absolutely nothing about it.

So, how easy it was for those on the left to condemn Gov. Wallace. They'd have spared themselves a passel of embarrassment had they just stopped to remember:

Wallace isn't asking for anything that the democrats didn't already have.

Which is why that simpering idiot in the White House, upon becoming president, hasn't "put on a pair of comfortable shoes and join(ed) you on the picket lines." You know, like he promised on the campaign trail?

And why the democrats suddenly can't seem to talk enough about anythiung else BUT that.

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