Saturday, February 26, 2011

Buyer's remorse against Tim "The Liar" Leavitt surges.

Everyone knows my position on The Liar.

I warned everyone during his campaign for mayor that he was a lying slimeball. And now, because his main squeeze tried to plant his (leavitt's) perspective and got busted for doing it all to keep The Lair's skirts clean, he's threatening to shut up his well-earned opposition.

Unfortunately, there was a large group of people who should have known better, yet drank Leavitt's kool aid and voted/supported him regardless.

It's not that I was ever a huge supporter of Royce Pollard. But Pollard has something that The Liar will never know: He has integrity.

I opposed his agenda with every fibre of my being. But I at least knew what that agenda actually was.

Pollard was a strong supporter of sticking it to us with this horrific project of a new, unwanted/unneeded/unaffordable bridge and loot rail. He didn't care about the impacts or the costs... in fact, having plans that would have driven the costs up through the ceiling.

But everyone KNEW that. What they didn't know was that Leavitt supported Pollard's vision every step of the way... until he, Steve Stuart and Dena Horton, then Clark County Democrat chair, needed to develop a wedge issue out of whole cloth. So they lied and made one up. They portrayed The Liar as being opposed to tolls... which, of course, he never was.

In my own way, I tried to warn everyone. And now... for some... the truth has sunk in.

I was sent this email with the name of the sender redacted. But the points are so strong and so obvious that I have to repost it here, in it's entirety... because every word of it is true.

Good morning or is it,


Are our Constitutional Rights to Free Speech in Jeopardy?


As one who worked his tail off to get Tim Leavitt elected, I am completely disappointed in how quickly he has not only forgotten his campaign promises, but he is now resorting to spreading mis-information about those of us who once supported him. He is also stretching the truth.


His comments in today’s fish wrapper have made it perfectly clear to me that he is pulling out all the stops, including stretching the truth, in his attempt to silence us.


Why do I say this? Because he is not the same person we helped get elected. During his campaign, a small group of us met with Candidate Leavitt on several occasions at Elmer’s at Mill Plain and Chaklov for breakfast. Candidate Leavitt was kind, reasonable, and understanding. He insisted he was opposed to Bridge Tolls. He promised transparency? He promised the era of dictatorial council behavior would end and that he would do away with the 3 minute timer. He also led us to beleive he would work hard to reduce taxes, business red tape, fees and regulations. Above all he said he would listen to us. Could it be he has forgotten his campaign promises and is now beleiving his own Press Releases?


Now as directed, in my opinion, by Identity Clark County, Governor Chris, Portland’s Mayor and Governor, and Senator Patty Murray he is determined to deny us our First Amendment Free Speech Rights if they disagree with his and their scheme to ram a Bridge, Light Rail, Bridge Tolls and ever increasing taxes and fees, we do not want, need or can afford. How sad.


As one who has been verbally abused by current and past council members, and accused by Councilman Burkman of intimidating Mayor Leavitt’s “Planted” lady friend, who referred to me and others as liars, I challenge Mayor Leavitt to produce evidence, that it is those of us who disagree
with his wasteful spending of our hard earned tax dollar that have created an unpleasant atmosphere in Council Chambers.


It is readily apparent, in view of the different words spoken by Candidate Leavitt and Mayor Leavitt we cannot and should not take his word or the word of his team as gospel. HIs Lady Friend should know that we are presumed innocent until proven beyond a "shadow of doubt" that we are guilty as alleged by the New Leavitt.


And so it goes

Here's where I could say "I told you so," so I think I will.

Cross posted at Tim Leavitt Watch.



  1. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Why do I have a feeling that this new PR hack manager that he is looking to hire through the Eric Holmes to cut down CVTV and move most of the communications of the city to the internet, city blogs and other stuff. (combining his comments from the state of the city address.)

    And do I dare how how many 100K's this is going to cost?

  2. Anonymous11:22 AM

    And YES, you can gloat, tell us you told us so.

    But let us get down to the point, shall we? Instead of gloating, how are we going to fix his wagon to make sure this crap does not happen.

  3. The problem is focus. Had Madore put all of that money from the last cycle into taking out Stuart, Stuart would have lost and Leavitt would have had another epiphany and started backing off his flip.

    The key to getting rid of a punk like Leavitt is Madore.

    If Madore gets someone who knows what they're doing... if he comes to understand that politics is, as another local blogger around here terms it, a "blood sport," if he gets tired of getting kicked around by Brancaccio-types because they don't respect or fear him.... then Leavitt can be done away with like yesterday's kitty litter.

    But the special interests running the city... the downtown mafia slime infesting the process... they will spend a fortune to keep their bitch right where he is.

    Will Madore come to understand that the only way to impact this horrific project is to focus on a single target, knowing that the rest of the lemmings will fall into line if they see their jobs at risk?

    Because unless he figures that out, that cancerous rag of a newspaper will spend the entirety of his tenure rehabilitating his slimy, dishonorable image; counting on the notoriously short memory of the voters to get this scumbag over the top as they endeavor to excuse, justify, and engage in revisionist history as they do all they can to keep this lying scumbag in office.

    A tight, focused, clinically true campaign reminding people, over and over and over what a lying, manipulating slimeball this clown is will ultimately result in a crushing defeat for Leavitt and the whole pro-bridger/loot railer scam.

    But until the first slimeball is culled from the heard, the rest won't pay any attention... because they won't need to.

    Scum like Brancaccio see the threat that Madore represents. That's why they will always, always, always Rule 5 him, attacking and belittling every chance they get.

    We have the time to find someone coherent who can string a few thoughts together. We have the methods to drive Leavitt's negatives up to the stratosphere, take him out and send the rest of the mafia a warning which will last for decades.

    The question is... do we have the will?


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