Monday, January 31, 2011

Wrong as usual: politicians must kill the unneeded, unwanted and horrifically expensive bridge/loot rail boondoggle.

We're cursed locally with a rag that seems to be genetically pre-disposed to lie.

We're also cursed with one of those elitist, Nazi-type publications that follow Rep. Cohen's Goebbelian diagram of telling a lie loud enough, long enough and often enough, it becomes the truth.

In this morning's papshmear, the whack job that wrote this "Build, Baby, Build" pap embodies all of that and more.

"We don’t think


he was talking about throwing down skids over Burnt Bridge Creek. More likely, he was talking about structures such as the obsolete,

Obsolete, functional and paid for has it's own charm... particularly in the midst of this horrific recession.

increasingly dangerous

The scumbag who wrote this garbage simply seems incapable of telling the truth... which is this:

The I-5 Bridge is perfectly serviceable and safe, according to Don Wagner, former Region 6 WADOT administrator.

Wagner said he has no doubts the existing crossings are safe , so much so that he drives and cycles across the spans without hesitation.

"If we don't have an earthquake of any magnitude, those two bridges are going to stay there until something hits them," he said.

It's bad enough that these slime believe their vision to be superior to that of the people. But to flat out lie?

How can we view anything our local stain on journalism spews when they engage in such horrific, self-suiting, obvious lies?

and economy-choking Interstate 5 Bridge,

Another lie. Replacing this bridge, while enriching the special interests and politicos who won't have to pay for it, will do absolutely nothing to address freight mobility or congestion:

Congestion on new I-5 bridge back to today's level by 2030, study finds

Planners and elected officials who back the project are aware of the shortcomings, but say it's better than doing nothing


Monday, July 07, 2008 DYLAN RIVERA
The Oregonian Staff

So what the rag continues to babble about is a "better-than-nothing" approach, instead of an expenditure of monies that will actually make a difference to anyone besides the insipid morons pushing this nonsense.

its roundly cursed bridge lift

Whatever rare cursing going on because of the frequent-as-Halley's Comet-bridge lifts will pale in comparison to the cursing of the 65,000 members of the commuting public, their families and the businesses here locally that depend on their now, cut by as much as $1300 per year, disposable income.

But the scum like the assclown that wrote this editorial DON'T CARE... since THEY won't have to pay for it.

and the frightening, too-short entry and exit ramps for miles along the freeway.

"Frightening" to who? I've lived here 23 years, and those ramps have never phased me.

Look, at the end of the day, these fringe-left nutters want their loot rail. They want it no matter how many billions are wasted to get it. They want it bad enough to engage in gerrymandering to cut out 10's of thousands of us voters from voting, but not paying the tax.

They are afraid of us, or else they would have put this to a vote. Some in government have gone so far as to lie about that.

And now the rag engages in hysterical rants to frighten people into supporting an 8 to 10 billion dollar boondoggle... one that they won't have to pay for.

No.... the Nazi's got nothing on this rag.


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