Monday, January 10, 2011

Moxie Media and the union slime win: Harper is seated.

Kudos to Democratic State Senator Jim Kastama, who made a principled stand against rewarding Moxie Media and the slime ball unions involved in their admitted conspiracy (The Washington State Labor Council, Trial Lawyers and the Washington State Federation of Employees) but who lost in a floor fight to move to the 8th Order of Business in the State Senate's opening today, an order that would have allowed the process of denying Harper a seat.

I don't have the list of "no" votes on moving to the 8th order, and I'll post it when I do.

State Senator Tracy Eide (Democrat-Fringeleftville) Whined and sniveled about Americans For Prosperity and their involvement in elections around the state, including her own. Exhibiting the moral relativism leftists are famous for showing when the mood strikes (as in their attack on Right Wing language against Obama, but their silence when their ilk were doing the same and worse against GWB) Eide neglected to mention that between Moxie Media, the conspiracy coordinators, and AFP (who I have also taken to task here for their likely illegal involvement in Ridgefield Barbie's campaign) only one of then has confessed to their conspiracy and provided proof of their wrong doing.

In this instance, Moxie Media is being rewarded because the fringe-leftist bent of the Senate was confirmed today, as ethics and legality played precisely zero role in the process. The message?

Go ahead and engage in illegal campaign tactics. If you win, nothing else matters.

The democrats in the senate had the opportunity to strike a blow for transparency in the electoral process and to take a step in helping to increase the lagging confidence of the people of this state in our battered and much-maligned elective process.

Instead, they put partisanship over justice.

Congrats to Moxie Media and the union slime that paid for this underhanded crap. I hope you choke on it.

Another shameful chapter in democrat control of our legislature generally, and the state senate particularly.


  1. And DeLay is sentenced to 3 years?

    Who says crime does not pay?

    If you are a Democrat, it seems to pay well.

  2. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Kalifornia wants to put in 12.5 billion in tax cuts and 5 year extension of higher taxes.

    Why do I feel that Washington state legislature is going to do the same??


  3. Kali-fornia doesn't have the Eyman initiaitive (1053) in place. It's going to be very difficult for these guys to raise taxes... at least, it's supposed to.


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