Monday, January 03, 2011

The democratian blows it again: Build the casino in Cascade Locks.

As a resident of this area for the 24 years or so since I left the military, I've frequently wondered about the Nazi-like tendencies of the local rag.

Instead of reflecting the community they should be serving, they've frequently insulted and belittled both the people... and the intelligence... of those wise enough to oppose their twisted, utopian vision of how THEY believe WE should run our lives.

The slime at the rag have foisted a big-government slate of candidates on us for years... higher taxes (what's their pro-bond/levy stance? 90% of the time?) along with the tyranny of the masses... outlaw the legal activity of smoking indoors... suing the people into silence over the tax-subsidized Pollard Hilton... attempting to literally injure the Beas, making their lives a living hell.

The lies and exaggerations in support of the unwanted, unneeded, unaffordable bridge/loot rail replacement project that has vaporized enough money to build at least 4 new schools with absolutely nothing to show for it except a pile of paper... a burning desire to enslave 65000 commuters so they can get their moronic loot rail built... and this almost kinky belief that somehow they, and they alone, are the final arbiters of what's "good" in the Columbia River Gorge.

If anyone or anything infringed on the First Amendment rights of the democratian as much as they advocate destroying the Constitutional rights of those living in the Gorge, these rank hypocrites would be screaming like cut cats. And one of the many reasons these slime are despicable is the double standard they impose on everyone else... but wouldn't dare want to live under themselves.

The Gorge is a place. It's a place with a massive freeway running along one side, and train tracks running along another.

There are places in the Gorge that are spectacularly beautiful. But NONE of that beauty is worth infringing, by even a modicum of a scintilla of a speck of dust, the rights of those who live there.

The rag has always been confused by the laws making up the Scenic Act. The actual language of the management plan says this:
Visually subordinate: A description of the relative visibility of a structure where that structure does not noticeably contrast with the surrounding landscape, as viewed from a specified vantage point (generally a key viewing area, for the Management Plan). As opposed to structures that are fully screened, structures that are visually subordinate may be partially visible. They are not visually dominant in relation to their surroundings.
You know what it doesn't require?


As much as the rag would want the entirety of their personal fiefdom to be their equally personal post card (remembering that they, themselves, wouldn't be caught dead living under the restrictions they advocate for the thousands of people who actually live IN the Gorge) and as much as they actually BELIEVE they have a say... they don't.

In this case, much like the Bea House case, they stupidly and arrogantly believe that THEIR judgement supersedes those who actually live there, and the vast majority of the people who, through the ballot box, have proven they simply don't care what the rag has to say about the Gorge.

In this instance, Cascade Locks is a dying town with an economy that makes a train wreck look like a positive outcome.

The community there has expressed a desire to have the Warm Springs Tribe build a casino/hotel complex within the confines of their town... in an area specifically exempted from administration by the Reichstag of the Gorge, aka the Gorge Commission and their Party newspaper, the democratian.

Today's faux expression of outrage by the rag is, of course, their right. They have the ability, which they frequently do and have exercised, to get stupid every hour on the hour if they are so inclined.

But in reality, here's a bulletin for our clueless fishwrapper: you have no say.

This community wants this casino. The Gorge Commission holds no sway there. The federal government has approved it. And none of the many reasons the economic black hole of the Cowlitz Casino should NOT be built applies here.

In short, the rag opposes the construction of this casino, which they have not seen, because they don't like how it may look.

So they babble about trying to find a way to screw this community and the Tribe.

Well, here's a clue: When you clowns, including that arrogant moron Koenninger, babbled about the Gorge, particularly when you whined and sniveled about Boldt and Benton's long overdue budget cut efforts, it made no difference.

At the end of the day, your rag is wrong about this... much like it's wrong about so many other things.

In this case, you want to decimate a town. In our case, you want to screw 65,000 families. It's all the same.

Hopefully, whatever needs to get done to make you look like idiots will actually happen and this thing will get built. And like Lou learned, you'll begin to figure out that bullying entire communities doesn't work any better than trying to bully me.

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